Noun- the profession or science dealing with the prevention and treatment of diseases and malformations of the teeth, gums, and oral cavity, and the removal, correction, and replacement of decayed, damaged, or lost parts, including such operations as the filling and crowning of teeth, the straightening of teeth, and the construction of artificial dentures.
Bachelors degree- Chemistry or Biology DAT test (Dental Admissions Test) 4 years of Dental School Licensed (written and practical exam)
Excellent vision Business sense Communication skills Self-discipline
Has to communicate with doctors and pharmacists.
Major in Chemistry D.D.S. Specialize in Orthodontics
Children are scared of the dentist. Visiting Dr. Panucci's office.
I did my research paper on braces. Types Process Head gear Dos and Don’ts
Children at Early Education Station Presentation Lessons
Basic questions: "Does your parents make you brush your teeth?" "Do you know what happens if you don't brush your teeth?" Demonstration on mouth model Brushing book, I Brush my Teeth
Procedure Reasoning Results Explanation
Demonstration with mouth model Marshmallow activity Practice
Trying to figure out how to speak to the children. What I was worried about: keeping their attention. The results: no serious problems, except marshmallows
Going in to this product- Orthodontics Coming out of it- Pediatrics