Blasting Vehicle Safety
Bench Preparation Fairly even, level terrain Surface sloped away from the highwall Blast Site sealed off & bermed
Inadequate Bench Prep
Pre-Shift Inspection Free of combustibles Proper placards Equipped with 2 fire extinguishers Lighting system operational Equipped with 2 tire chocks Rupture disk assemblies Emulsion pump seals not leaking & greased
Pre-Shift Steps, ladders & handrails Tires, rims & lug nuts Cab clean & no loose items Horn & back-up alarm Brake system Windshield wipers & defroster
Pre-Shift First-Aid Kit Windshield, windows and mirrors Rotating parts, shafts, couplings, sprockets, chains are guarded. Auger joints show no excessive wear, damaged or cracked
Pre-Shift Documentation
Worksite Conditions Ramp & roadway Berm Blast site Additional hazards Supervisor contact
Ramp Condition
Maneuvering Vehicles Use spotter in rough terrain or congested areas Cradle discharge auger anytime vehicle is moved other than from hole to hole in same row Use horn signal movement
Maneuvering Vehicles No non-essential vehicles No mobile equipment over loaded holes or initiating systems Do not let imposed deadlines interfere with completing task safely
Backing-up Void backing up When backing, use spotter Get out & look if no spotter Communicate Never park on blind side of equipment