Junior Kindergarten Mrs. Tracey McDowell The Joseph Sears School
About Tracey McDowell Undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Wake Forest University Master’s degree in Elementary Education from Peabody College of Vanderbilt University Fourteen years teaching experience Past President The Alliance for Early Childhood
Curriculum Areas Social Emotional PATHS Social/Emotional Program Self expression Taking turns and sharing Listening skills
Curriculum Areas Play Children learn best while at play Follow rules in groups; conflict resolution Gross motor play Center Activities: blocks, dramatic play, art, puzzles, books, math manipulatives, games, etc
Curriculum Areas Language and Literacy Readiness Poetry, Nursery Rhymes, Stories, Songs Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum- Upper Case Letters Letter of the Week Retelling and sequencing stories Emergent writing
Curriculum Areas Math Readiness Concepts taught through exploration and games Counting and number recognition Shape recognition Patterning and sorting by attribute Measurement Simple operations
Curriculum Areas Science Colors Life Cycle of Apples, Pumpkins, Flowering Plant, Butterflies Birds Sink and Float Sorting and classifying
Curriculum Areas Social Studies Me and My Family Community (School and Local) Holidays World Link
JK Program Fall schedule –Students arrive at 8:25 –Dismissal at 11:00 –Music twice a week –World Language twice a week starting in October Winter schedule with extended hours –Students arrive at 8:25 –Dismissal at noon –Music, PE, Art, Library, World Language
Fall Daily Schedule 8:25 Arrival 8:25-8:45 Outside Play 8:50-9:20 Music or Circle Time followed by HWT or PATHS 9:20-9:35 Math or Literacy 9:35-9:50 Snack and Story 9:50-10:10 World Language or Social Studies/Science 10:10-10:35 Free Choice Center Play 10:35-10:45 Closing Circle 10:45-11:00 Pack Up and Outside Play 11:00 Dismissal
Daily Schedule Winter/Spring Proposal 8:25 Arrival 8:25-8:40 Friend of the Week 8:40-8:50 Circle Time 8:50-9:20 Specials 9:20-9:50 HWT or PATHS 9:50-10:15 World Language or Math/Sci/SStudies 10:15-10:30 Snack and Read Aloud 10:30-11:00 Free Choice Center Play 11:00-11:30 Small Group Math and Literacy Centers 11:30-11:40 Closing Circle 11:40-12:00 Pack Up and Outside Play 12:00 Dismissal
Parent – Teacher Communication Newsletter – ed every Friday Daily Folder in Backpack Conferences –Formal Parent/Teacher conferences take place in February and May –Informal conferences take place in October