Harnessing iHRIS iHRIS Manage is a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Integrated with a Training Information System (TIS) Provides rapid access to data for decision making
Harnessing iHRIS iHRIS is a routine HRIS – designed for day to day use by HR and Training Departments to track: New hires and changes of position Salary changes Contact and demographic information Education history Competencies Training course attended Employee status Disciplinary Action Personal Photo etc.
Harnessing iHRIS Day to day functioning of departments is easier: Instant and secure access to personnel information: Access is limited to authenticated users Each user has a role Each role can only perform specific tasks and look at specific data Changes are recorded and tracked in the system Remote access improves workplace efficiency
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Making Use of the Data Developing a Culture of Inquiry Context Matters Alligning Different Forces and Interests Preparing for Data Skeptics
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Making Use of the Data Data is available now use it Developing a Culture of Inquiry Context Matters Alligning Different Forces and Interests Preparing for Data Skeptics
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Making Use of the Data Data is available now use it Developing a Culture of Inquiry Priority HR Policy and Management questions relying on information Context Matters Alligning Different Forces and Interests Preparing for Data Skeptics
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Making Use of the Data Data is available now use it Developing a Culture of Inquiry Priority HR Policy and Management questions relying on information Context Matters Social, Cutural, Poltical, Health System and Resouces Alligning Different Forces and Interests Preparing for Data Skeptics
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Making Use of the Data Data is available now use it Developing a Culture of Inquiry Priority HR Policy and Management questions relying on information Context Matters Social, Cutural, Poltical, Health System and Resouces Alligning Different Forces and Interests Collaborate among different interest groups Preparing for Data Skeptics
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Making Use of the Data Data is available now use it Developing a Culture of Inquiry Priority HR Policy and Management questions relying on information Context Matters Social, Cutural, Poltical, Health System and Resouces Alligning Different Forces and Interests Collaborate among different interest groups Preparing for Data Skeptics How is data different? What does data mean? Benefits to change?
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Power of the Individual Power of the Organization Navigating Difficult Conversations Process and Relationships Journey, Not A Destination
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Power of the Individual Individuals decide on how data should be used. Reflect personal opinion Power of the Organization Navigating Difficult Conversations Process and Relationships Journey, Not A Destination
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Power of the Individual Individuals decide on how data should be used. Reflect personal opinion Power of the Organization Organizational factors: structure, experience of staff, external influences Navigating Difficult Conversations Process and Relationships Journey, Not A Destination
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Power of the Individual Individuals decide on how data should be used. Reflect personal opinion Power of the Organization Organizational factors: structure, experience of staff, external influences Navigating Difficult Conversations Data may challenge assumptions. Conflict is OK. Manage it well. Process and Relationships Journey, Not A Destination
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Power of the Individual Individuals decide on how data should be used. Reflect personal opinion Power of the Organization Organizational factors: structure, experience of staff, external influences Navigating Difficult Conversations Data may challenge assumptions. Conflict is OK. Manage it well. Process and Relationships Broad involvement in using data to make succesful policy Journey, Not A Destination
Harnessing iHRIS Ten Pillars of Data Driven Decision Making Power of the Individual Individuals decide on how data should be used. Reflect personal opinion Power of the Organization Organizational factors: structure, experience of staff, external influences Navigating Difficult Conversations Data may challenge assumptions. Conflict is OK. Manage it well. Process and Relationships Broad involvement in using data to make succesful policy Journey, Not A Destination Ongoing knoweldge driven process. Ask increasingly complex questions
Harnessing iHRIS Custom reporting solution allows quick summaries of relevant information Managers can decide which information is important for them to see: # health workers by Shehia and Cadre # trainings attended by each health worker Salary distribution More!
Harnessing iHRIS Regular access to data allows for better planning and decision making: Where should we hire new people What cadres of people do we need to hire Who needs to attend a training Reassign people from one facility to another based on need More!
Harnessing iHRIS Regular access to data allows for better planning and decision making: Where should we hire new people What cadres of people do we need to hire Who needs to attend a training Reassign people from one facility to another based on need – How do we assess the need? More!
Harnessing HIS Health Information Systems (HIS) A complete HIS has many components Components defined by WHO/HMN omponents_of_a_strong_HIS.pdf Training Information System Human Resource Information System Electronic Health Records (EHR) Disease Surveillance Census Data etc.
Harnessing HIS Each component of HIS has different data Goal is an Integrated HIS: Different components of HIS share data Allows better decision making – merge data from multiple sources Data quality is higher as it is validated by multiple systems Return On Investment (ROI) in one system increases as benefits are shared by more people
Harnessing HIS Improved decisions and resource allocation: Integrated HRIS and DHIS: Hire new workers where most needed based on disease prevalence Determined needed competencies for training based on disease prevalence Integrated HRIS and EHR Hire new workers where most needed based on number of patient visits Determined needed competencies for training based on patient need
Harnessing HIS Choosing an information system Proprietary Have to purchase. May need on-going licensing fee No access to source code Possibly no access to data / database Rely on vendor or consultant for changes Possibly more features Open Source Free. Always. Full Access to source-code and data / database Free to modify and customize to your needs Supported by global effort Develop local capacity to modify system – don't need to rely on one vendor or consultant Sustainable
Harnessing HIS Choosing a secure system: Windows based systems are prone to viruses which compomise security Many open-source software run on Linux which does not suffer virus problems Security issues in open source software are identified and fixed quickly Security issues in proprietary software hard to find and dependent on vendor to fix
Harnessing HIS Human Resource Information System iHRIS Manage – open source OrangeHRM – open source Oracle HRMS– not open source SAP – not open source
Harnessing HIS Electronic Health Records Vecna – not open source OpenMRS – open source Disease Surveillance DHIS – open source