Christmas in France A guide to celebrating Christmas in France
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Joyeux Noël! Bonne Année! The celebration of Christmas in France varies by region. Most provinces celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December, which is a bank holiday. However, in eastern and northern France, the Christmas season begins on 6 December, la fête de Saint Nicolas, and in some provinces la fête des Rois* is one the most important holidays of the Christmas season. In Lyon, 8 December is la Fête de lumières, when Lyonnais pay hommage to the virgin Mary by putting candles in their windows which light up the village. Joyeux Noël! Bonne Année! The celebration of Christmas in France varies by region. Most provinces celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December, which is a bank holiday. However, in eastern and northern France, the Christmas season begins on 6 December, la fête de Saint Nicolas, and in some provinces la fête des Rois* is one the most important holidays of the Christmas season. In Lyon, 8 December is la Fête de lumières, when Lyonnais pay hommage to the virgin Mary by putting candles in their windows which light up the village.
Traditions and Customs French children put their shoes in front of the fireplace, in the hopes that Père Noël (aka Papa Noël) will fill them with gifts. Candy, fruit, nuts, and small toys will also be hung on the tree overnight. There's also Père Fouettard who gives out spankings to bad children (sort of the equivalent of Santa Claus giving coal to the naughty). French children put their shoes in front of the fireplace, in the hopes that Père Noël (aka Papa Noël) will fill them with gifts. Candy, fruit, nuts, and small toys will also be hung on the tree overnight. There's also Père Fouettard who gives out spankings to bad children (sort of the equivalent of Santa Claus giving coal to the naughty). There is also a law in France that Father Christmas must respond to each letter he receives!
A Letter to Father Christmas in French Cher Papa Noël, Comment vas-tu ? Et ta femme ? Est-ce qu'il fait froid chez vous ? Je m'appelle Laura et j'ai 10 ans. Ma famille et moi avons déjà décoré le sapin de Noël, mais il n'y a pas de cadeaux en dessous, donc je t'écris. Je veux un bon cadeau cette année ! L'année dernière, tu m'as donné des livres, merci beaucoup, mais je voulais une bicyclette. S'il te plaît, peux-tu me la donner cette année ? Merci beaucoup Papa Noël et joyeux Noël et bonne Année ! Laura
Write your own letter in French Cher Papa Noël, Comment vas-tu ? Est-ce qu'il fait froid chez vous ? Ici, le temps est …………………………………. Je m'appelle …………… et j'ai ……. ans. Ma famille et moi avons déjà décoré le sapin de Noël, Je voudrais ……………………………………………. Merci beaucoup Papa Noël et joyeux Noël et bonne Année ! …………………………………………
French Vocabulary Match the words to the pictures un cadeau de Noël un l’arbre de noel une chandelle Papa Noel la neige
Jingle Bells Tintez Cloches, Tintez Cloches (Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells) Tintez dans la nuit (Ring in the night) Pere Noel et ses grand daims (Santa Claus and his big reindeer) Arrivent toute de suite..ite (Are coming soon)
INGREDIENTS: ¾ cup self raising flour ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 5 eggs, separated 1 cup granulated sugar, divided 1 teaspoon vanilla ½ cup icing sugar 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips ¾ cup whipping cream Cocoa Frosting (recipe follows) White Chocolate Curls (recipe follows) 2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder Bûche de Noël
PREPARATION: 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease 15-1/2X10-1/2-inch swiss roll pan; line pan with waxed paper. Grease waxed paper; set tin aside. Place flour, baking powder and salt in small bowl; stir to combine. Beat egg yolks and 2/3 cup granulated sugar in small bowl with electric mixer at high speed about 5 minutes or until thick and lemon- colored, scraping down side of bowl once. Beat in vanilla; set aside. 2. Beat egg whites in clean large bowl using clean beaters with electric mixer at high speed until foamy. Gradually beat in remaining 1/3 cup granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, until stiff peaks form. 3. Fold flour mixture into egg yolk mixture; fold into egg white mixture until evenly incorporated. Spread mixture into prepared pan. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until cake springs back when lightly touched with finger. 4. Lightly sift icing sugar over clean dish towel. Loosen warm cake from edges of pan; invert onto prepared towel. Remove pan; carefully peel off waxed paper. Gently roll up cake in towel from short end, swiss roll style. Let rolled cake cool completely on wire rack. 5. For chocolate filling, place chocolate chips and cream in heavy 1-quart saucepan. Heat over low heat until chocolate is melted, stirring frequently. Pour into small bowl; stir in rum. Cover and refrigerate about 1-1/2 hours or until filling is of spreading consistency, stirring occasionally. 6. Prepare Cocoa Frosting and White Chocolate Curls; refrigerate until ready to use. 7. Unroll cake; remove towel. Spread cake with chilled chocolate filling to within 1/2 inch of edge; re-roll cake. Spread Cocoa Frosting over cake roll. Garnish with White Chocolate Curls. Sprinkle with cocoa.
Chocolate Frosting INGREDIENTS: 1 cup whipping cream 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted* ½ cup icing sugar, sifted 1 teaspoon vanilla essence PREPARATION: 1. Beat cream, cocoa, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer at medium speed until soft peaks form. Do not overbeat. Refrigerate until ready to use.
1 It has lights, tinsel, and a star on top. a) un bonhomme de neige b) le gui c) l'arbre de Noël d) une peluche Christmas Vocabulary Quiz You may want to use a dictionary to find the correct answer. Find out what the other words mean too!
2 Rudolph is one. a) un santon b) un ruban c) un renne d) un ange
3 Stand under this so that I can kiss you. a) la veille de Noël b) un ruban c) le gui d) la bûche de Noël
4 He lives at the North Pole. a) Père Fouettard b) Papa Noël c) la Saint-Sylvestre d) la Messe de Minuit
5 une carte de Noël a) Christmas carol b) Christmas present c) Christmas card d) Christmas tree
6 Snowball a) le pain calendeau b) une boule de neige c) un bonhomme de neige d) un santon
Photographs Champs Elysees in Lights Bûche de Noël French Christmas Markets