МОУ « Грицовский ЦО имени Д.С.Сидорова» Урок английского языка. 3 класс Интенсивное изучение языка «Здоровая еда» «Healthy food» Учитель : Шамаева О.В.


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Presentation transcript:

МОУ « Грицовский ЦО имени Д.С.Сидорова» Урок английского языка. 3 класс Интенсивное изучение языка «Здоровая еда» «Healthy food» Учитель : Шамаева О.В.

Good morning, children! How are you?We shall have a talk about our favourite food. Let's start our lesson !

«Healthy food»

III. Фонетическая зарядка. 1. æ – apple, carrot, cabbage, jam, ham i: - tea, cheese, sweets, meat e-- lemon, bread o – coffee, orange, porridge i: - tea, cheese, sweets, meat e-- lemon, bread o – coffee, orange, porridge

What vegetables will you buy?

Make purchases. Collect grocery cart

Choose healthy foods!

What is this? This is…? foodstuff - продукты bread - хлеб biscuit ['b ɪ sk ɪ t] - печенье bun - сдобная булочка cheese - сыр cake - торт butter - масло chocolade - шоколад candy - конфета cream - сливки

eggs - яйца flour - мука honey - мёд loaf - батон marmalade - мармелад milk - молоко olives - оливки pastry - кондитерские изделия pepper - перец pie - пирог salt - соль sugar - сахар sunflower oil - подсолнечное масло yoghurt - йогурт

This food causes obesity

This is bad!

Take care of your health! Eat right!

This is useful!

It'time to make up the dialogues. Do you like ham? Do you like cheese? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. --It's time to play and find out what you like to eat and to drink.

Расскажите друг другу о своих любимых продуктах. Do you like to drink milk? - Yes, I do. It is tasty. It is healthy. Does she like to eat porridge? - No, she doesn't. It is not tasty but it is healthy. What fruit do you like? - I like apples. Does Winnie like much honey? - Yes, he does. It is not healthy.

Breakfast. Oatmeal. Sandwich with cheese and butter. Egg. Coffee with milk. Lunch. The pea soup. Fig. Chicken. Vegetable salad. The compote. Dinner. Fish. Potatoes. Cucumbers. Tea with milk.

Let's talk about what you love, your favorite Pets, forest animals popular cartoon characters. - What do our pets like to eat?- I have a dog, it likes to eat meat, fish and sweets. - What does cock like to eat? - My granny has a cock, it likes corn. - What does Winnie like? - Winnie likes much honey, butter, sugar. It is not healthy. - What does Karlson like? - He likes many sweets and cakes. It is not healthy.

I want to come to your tea party. I like to drink tea with honey and lemon. I usually eat bread and cheese and drink tea for breakfast. To be healthy I eat many apples, oranges, bananas and carrots. I walk with my friends in the forest. I like to eat cakes on holidays. But I like sweets and apple jam very much. I’m very glad that you invite me to your tea party. Bye, your friend Karlson? Какими продуктами злоупотребляет Karlson? От каких любимых им продуктов больше вреда, чем пользы?

Физкультминутка. To be healthy,do exercises! Повторяем за мной. We are running We are jumping Trying sky to get We are skipping Trying sky to get We are flying like a real jet We are hopping We are climbing Like a funny cat Mew Физкультминутка. To be healthy,do exercises! Повторяем за мной. We are running We are jumping Trying sky to get We are skipping Trying sky to get We are flying like a real jet We are hopping We are climbing Like a funny cat Mew

Советы Василисы Премудрой To be healthy,you need to wash your hands before eating. To be healthy, it is necessary to harden, pour cold water. To be healthy we must run, jump, skip and swim. We must play tennis, football and basketball. To be healthy we must eat fruit, vegetables. We must not eat much sugаr, chocolate, and honey.

P.N: Oh, look where we’re standing: in front of a cafe, a self- service snack-bar. Let’s have lunch here. I’m as hungry as a bear. I think I could have all the three meals at a time now. W.W: I wouldn’t mind having a bite either/ The appetite comes with walking. M.F: After this long walk it’s easy to talk us into having a hearty meat. T: Well, let’s pop in. Let me see what there’s on the menu. Starters: sour cream, yogurt, mixed salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables. For the first course: fish soup, shchi, milk noodle soup, etc. For the main course: beefsteak, cutlets, fish with mashed potatoes, fried eggs, etc. Drinks: fruit juice, coffee, cocoa, compote, etc. Oh, why should I translate the menu? You’d better take a tray, a spoon, a fork and a knife, join the queue and pick whatever you like. P.N: Oh, look where we’re standing: in front of a cafe, a self- service snack-bar. Let’s have lunch here. I’m as hungry as a bear. I think I could have all the three meals at a time now. W.W: I wouldn’t mind having a bite either/ The appetite comes with walking. M.F: After this long walk it’s easy to talk us into having a hearty meat. T: Well, let’s pop in. Let me see what there’s on the menu. Starters: sour cream, yogurt, mixed salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables. For the first course: fish soup, shchi, milk noodle soup, etc. For the main course: beefsteak, cutlets, fish with mashed potatoes, fried eggs, etc. Drinks: fruit juice, coffee, cocoa, compote, etc. Oh, why should I translate the menu? You’d better take a tray, a spoon, a fork and a knife, join the queue and pick whatever you like. Диалог, продвинутых учеников.

C.G: I, for one, am anxious to taste these exotic. Russian shchi and compote. W.W: And I’d take pudding or potato crisps and cola but – alas – they have none of them here. D.L: I wish I cold have my Granny’s pancakes now! Sh.Sh: And I’ll take only some sweets. T: You’ve got a sweet tooth I see. Sh.Sh: Nothing of the kind. I’m just a poor eater. W.W: Bosh! The appetite comes with eating. Take me for example. I’m not a glutton but a hearty eater. C.G: I, for one, am anxious to taste these exotic. Russian shchi and compote. W.W: And I’d take pudding or potato crisps and cola but – alas – they have none of them here. D.L: I wish I cold have my Granny’s pancakes now! Sh.Sh: And I’ll take only some sweets. T: You’ve got a sweet tooth I see. Sh.Sh: Nothing of the kind. I’m just a poor eater. W.W: Bosh! The appetite comes with eating. Take me for example. I’m not a glutton but a hearty eater.

Meals We have got four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Breakfast time is between seven and nine o’clock, lunch time between eleven and twelve o’clock, dinner time between two and four o’clock and supper time between seven and eight o’clock. For breakfast we eat bread and butter, curds, porridge, eggs, cheese or sausage sandwiches. We drink tea, coffee, milk or cocoa. Russian people drink tae with sugar. Russian tae is tea with lemon in it. For dinner we eat soup, then meat or fish and potatoes or spaghetti. After dinner we have a cup of tea with sweets or cookies or a glass of juice. In summer we like to eat berries, fruit or ice-cream after dinner. For supper we have sausages, pudding or pancakes and a glass of milk. If a man eats well, we say “He is a good eater”. If a man does not eat well, we say “He is a poor eater”. Meals We have got four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Breakfast time is between seven and nine o’clock, lunch time between eleven and twelve o’clock, dinner time between two and four o’clock and supper time between seven and eight o’clock. For breakfast we eat bread and butter, curds, porridge, eggs, cheese or sausage sandwiches. We drink tea, coffee, milk or cocoa. Russian people drink tae with sugar. Russian tae is tea with lemon in it. For dinner we eat soup, then meat or fish and potatoes or spaghetti. After dinner we have a cup of tea with sweets or cookies or a glass of juice. In summer we like to eat berries, fruit or ice-cream after dinner. For supper we have sausages, pudding or pancakes and a glass of milk. If a man eats well, we say “He is a good eater”. If a man does not eat well, we say “He is a poor eater”.

Good-morning. Glad to see you. You are welcome. How are you? I am fine,thank you, and you? I'm OK. Would you like some coffee, please? Yes, please, thank you. Here you are. It is very tasty. I would like some pizza. Help yourself. Thank you. Good-bye. You are welcome. Good-morning. Glad to see you. You are welcome. How are you? I am fine,thank you, and you? I'm OK. Would you like some coffee, please? Yes, please, thank you. Here you are. It is very tasty. I would like some pizza. Help yourself. Thank you. Good-bye. You are welcome. Go to the cafe

decaf — без кофеина (кофе)[ ˈ dē ˌ kafе iced-tea — чай со льдом lemonade — лимонад[ ˈ lemə ˌ nād] milk (shake) — молоко (с мороженым) mineral water — минеральная вода orange juice — апельсиновый сок tea — чай['ti:] water — вода[ ˈ wä-] yogurt / yoghurt — йогурт['jogət] chocolate chip) cookies — печенье с шоколадной крошкой decaf — без кофеина (кофе)[ ˈ dē ˌ kafе iced-tea — чай со льдом lemonade — лимонад[ ˈ lemə ˌ nād] milk (shake) — молоко (с мороженым) mineral water — минеральная вода orange juice — апельсиновый сок tea — чай['ti:] water — вода[ ˈ wä-] yogurt / yoghurt — йогурт['jogət] chocolate chip) cookies — печенье с шоколадной крошкой (fruit) juice — (фруктовый) сок (hot / cold) milk — (горячее / холодное) молоко cream — сливки[krēm] (fruit) juice — (фруктовый) сок (hot / cold) milk — (горячее / холодное) молоко cream — сливки[krēm]

apple pie — яблочный пирог blueberry pie — пирог с черникой chocolate — шоколад['t ʃɔ kəlit] fruit — фрукты['fru:t] ice cream — мороженое jello — желе[ ˈ jelō] pecan pie — пирожное с орехами Will make the order apple pie — яблочный пирог blueberry pie — пирог с черникой chocolate — шоколад['t ʃɔ kəlit] fruit — фрукты['fru:t] ice cream — мороженое jello — желе[ ˈ jelō] pecan pie — пирожное с орехами Will make the order

What do you choose?

Домашнее задание. Составить полезные советы для членов своей семьи о русской здоровой пище от Василисы Премудрой. Заполните кроссворд. Домашнее задание. Составить полезные советы для членов своей семьи о русской здоровой пище от Василисы Премудрой. Заполните кроссворд. Thanks for the lesson! Bon appetit! Be healthy!
