The Little Black Dress Competition Most women ONLY think about picking their dress style Very few women consider changing their dress size! If you are brave enough, we are running a competition where you could change your dress size, look incredible at your Christmas party & possibly win £100 cash to spend this Christmas! Need to know more? Very few women consider changing their dress size! If you are brave enough, we are running a competition where you could change your dress size, look incredible at your Christmas party & possibly win £100 cash to spend this Christmas! Need to know more? © MACHINES 2014
#1: Cold Water Fish: Salmon, Whitefish, Sardines & Anchovies The cold water fish are well known for a high concentration of the omega-3 fats, DHA and EPA, which have been found to reduce cortisol in a series of studies. For example, a 2010 study found that participants who took 4 grams of EPA- and DHA- rich fish oil for 6 weeks reduced cortisol for better hormone balance. They also reduced body fat by 0.5 percent, which was considered significant since they weren’t exercising or modifying diet. There are additional ways DHA and EPA promote hormone balance: They improve insulin sensitivity so that the body is better able to sustain protein synthesis to build muscle and use glucose in the bloodstream for energy. Avoid This: Trans Fats
© MACHINES 2014 #2: Flax Seeds & Walnuts. Flax seeds and walnuts are rich the third but less heralded omega-3 fat, alpha linolenic acid (ALA). In addition, they both contain protective polyphenols, which have been found to reduce cortisol following a stress test. Researchers believe the combination of antioxidants and omega-3s allowed for better stress management and improved hormone and neurotransmitter function. Remember that ALA isn’t a substitute for EPA and DHA that are found in fish, but it is associated with better health, improved cognition, and lower inflammation. Walnuts need no instructions because they’re delicious just as they are. To get the most out of flax seeds, grind flax seeds and add them to protein shakes or sprinkle on a salad. Avoid This: Vegetable & Seed Oils
© MACHINES 2014 #3: Swiss & Rainbow Chard We know that the body’s glycemic control, which is the ability to metabolize carbohydrates efficiently so that we don’t experience peaks and valleys in blood sugar, influences cortisol release. If you have poor glycemic control, cortisol balance is altered and the central nervous system is activated. Swiss and rainbow chard can help prevent this because they contain some of the more exotic antioxidants, which have been found to help manage blood sugar. In fact, chard is used in Turkey to treat diabetes. In addition, these greens are incredibly nutrient dense, providing vitamins A, K, C, and magnesium. Avoid This: Fruit Juice
© MACHINES 2014 #4: Eggs Eggs are a perfect protein source because they contain an amino acid lineup that is readily used by the body for tissue repair after muscle damaging exercise. They also contain a nice dose of choline, which the body uses to make brain transmitters that improve motivation and focus, both of which are useful when facing high-stress times. In addition, eggs are rich in antioxidants that lower inflammation and improve blood sugar balance and insulin release. For example, a 12-week study that had overweight men eat a low-carb diet containing three eggs daily lost 5 kg of body fat and decreased inflammation and cholesterol levels more than a group who ate a low-carb diet but no eggs. The decrease in inflammation and greater fat loss was attributed to the fact that the egg eaters improved insulin sensitivity more, which indicates better metabolic and stress hormone balance. Avoid This: Foods You Are Sensitive or Intolerant To
© MACHINES 2014 #5: Dark Chocolate Super dark chocolate (at least 70 percent cocoa solids) has boatloads of benefits: It’s been found to boost mood and aid clear thinking during deadline-driven mental efforts. It improves vascular health by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation. It aids gut health and improves digestion—a key action that will lead to altered cortisol if not functioning properly. It improves metabolic hormone balance of insulin, and was found to reduce cortisol output in at least two studies. Science hasn’t identified an optimal chocolate dose, but a good bet is a square or two of dark chocolate that is more than 70 percent dark because this will be higher in the protective polyphenols. Check the label and make sure there are no chemicals, fake sweeteners, or high fructose corn syrup in your chocolate. Avoid This: Chocolate Cake