The Great Pyramid The Great Pyramid was built 4,500 years ago. Khufu demanded to build the pyramid so people would remember him. It took 2,000,000 blocks to make The Great Pyramid. One block weighed as much as 400 men. It took 20 years to make The Great Pyramid.
Tutankhamen Tutankhamen became a pharaoh at the age of 8/9. His tomb was undiscovered for 3,300 years. Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb in Tutankhamen died when he was 18/19. He ruled for 10 years in Egypt.
Pharaoh’s A Pharaoh was a ruler of Ancient Egypt. The Pharaohs eldest son was always trained to be a future Pharaoh. A Pharaoh always held a crook and a flail. The flail was used for beating crops. The crook stood for leadership.
The gift of the Nile The river Nile was very important to Egypt because if it wasn’t there Egypt would be a desert. Every year the Nile overflows and the farmers use the water to grow crops and make their houses. You usually see markets open beside the Nile. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
Mummies Once a mummy was in a tomb it had to get an examination. To be a mummy maker you had to be a top priest. Mummies would have one big problem with their afterlife – no brain. The organs had to be put in a canopic jars.