By: Mike Dobert
Recently the Iraq Civilian death toll has reached 104,338 and is climbing everyday. As of December 2009 the death toll for the United States is 4,287. The wounded rate for the United States as of December 2009 is 30,182.
The cost of the war goes up by the second. Here is a link that tries to track the cost as it rises.
As of November 30, 2009 the troop number was 115,000. As of right now the troop count is 84,000. The plan for August of this year is to have only 50,000 troops in Iraq. The plan is looking like it is going to work because the numbers keep going down. Ut_k&feature=related
The thing that angered me the most about this movie is that it displayed the major errors that the Bush Administration made about the war in Iraq and there should have been no mistakes when it comes to something major like that period. He potentially put us at risk for a civil war.
COSTOFWAR.COM - The Cost of War. Web. 17 Mar Iraq Body Count. Web. 17 Mar "Iraq War Facts, Statistics at February 16, Iraq War Casualties, Spending, Iraqi Quality of Life." Liberal & Progressive Politics & Perspectives. Web. 17 Mar