PLACE Identity Identity: A matter of statuses or processes? Marcia (1966): identity status paradigm (achievement, foreclosure, diffusion, moratorium) tools (interview or questionnaire) used to assign to each individual his/her identity status
Bosma (1985), Meeus (1996): identity processes (commitment, exploration) tools used to obtain continuos scores of commitment and exploration as well as identity statuses
A new three-factor model (Crocetti, Rubini, Meeus, 2008 JOA, Crocetti, Fermani, 2010 JA) Commitment refers to strong choices adolescents have made with regard to various developmental domains and self-confidence they derive from these choices. It is a strong indicator of a positive identity development In-depth exploration represents the extent to which adolescents explore current commitments actively, reflect on their choices, look for information, and talk with others about them. It is an adaptive process that can become troubled when adolescents get involved in evaluating their commitments, doubting their choices Reconsideration of commitment refers to the comparison of present commitments with possible alternative commitments because the current ones are no longer satisfactory. It represents an identity crisis.
The U-MICS To assess these dimensions a new instrument, the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS) has been developed by Meeus (italian validation by Crocetti, Fermani et al., 2008). CFA indicated that the U-MICS has a three factor structure that has a very good fit in the general Dutch adolescent population as well as in… - gender sub-samples - age sub-samples (early and mid-adolescents) - various ethnic groups
A Person-Centered Approach: Identity Statuses (cluster Gore 2 steps) achievement cluster high on commitment and in-depth exploration, but low on reconsideration of commitment. early closure cluster moderately high scores on commitment, associated with low scores on in-depth exploration and low scores on reconsideration of commitment moratorium cluster low on commitment and in-depth exploration, and moderate high on reconsideration of commitment searching moratorium cluster high on commitment, high on in-depth exploration, and particularly high on reconsideration of commitment diffusion cluster low on commitment, in- depth exploration, and reconsideration of commitment.