WH Research Paper Your paper will be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 double- spaced, typed pages in MLA format You need to be clear. You need to be succinct. What???? You need evidence. You need analysis of that evidence. You need to convince others that you are correct. Remember you are very needy!
WH Research Paper Introductory Paragraph Hook : This should be a quotation, statistics, or vignette (story) that gets the readers interested in your essay Introduction to issue/topic : 2-3 sentences (broadly answer some of these questions): What is the problem? Who are the main players (stakeholders)? What do they want? How long has it been going on? Thesis
WH Research Paper Remember that a thesis must be specific and contain a defendable argument or position. Examples of non-theses: 1. The Korean War was a bloody three- year conflict that resulted in a military stalemate between North and South Korea. 2. There are a lot of causes behind the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
WH Research Paper Your thesis identifies the most important root cause of your conflict. So your evidence needs to directly support your thesis. What does your evidence consist of? Statistics/numbers Direct quotations Facts You should have a minimum of two pieces of evidence that directly support your thesis. You also need to analyze your evidence. In other words, provide your interpretation about why the evidence supports your thesis (assertion).
WH Research Paper Examples of hooks: In March 2015, Eliseo Hernandez became one of 1,000 Honduran children under the age of 18 turned away that month at the U.S. border. Over the past two years, the U.S. has spent $5 billion fighting ISIS. Examples of a thesis: The Israel settlements on the West Bank are primarily driven by economic concerns, not religious motivations. While a weak, corrupt central government has contributed to the problem of narcotics trafficking and violence in Honduras, the underlying cause of chaos in that nation is the huge demand for drugs in the United States.
WH Research Paper Paragraph 2 Historical background What are the origins of your conflict? What are the important events? (e.g. Korean War, U.S. invasion of Iraq, beginning of the Syrian Civil War Be sure to explain why these are origins or important events. Remember that the origins and events should link to your thesis (or what you consider the important underlying cause.)
WH Research Paper 3 rd Paragraph Transition to Current situation. (This is where you present evidence in support of your thesis and analyze it. Your thesis identifies the most important root cause of your conflict. So your evidence needs to directly support your thesis. Your evidence: Statistics/numbers Direct quotations Facts You should have a minimum of two pieces of evidence that directly support your thesis. You also need to analyze your evidence. In other words, provide your interpretation about why the evidence supports your thesis (assertion).
WH Research Paper 4th Paragraph Next you will need to discuss what is currently happening with your conflict. All of you are researching conflicts that are going on right now. For this you should look at recent articles/news sources. For this section you will need to use at least one quotation, one statistic, and one fact.
WH Research Paper 5 th Paragraph Your concluding paragraph will look at what is currently being done to “solve” or “contain” your problem/conflict. Based on what you have learned about it, do you think the current actions to deal with the problem are going to be effective or not? What do you see happening in the future? Again you can use quotations/statistics/facts to bolster your conclusion. Remember to refer back to your thesis (root cause) in your conclusion.
WH Research Paper Structure 1 st Paragraph : Hook, Introduction, Thesis 2 nd Paragraph : Historical Background 3 rd Paragraph : Transition to Current Situation. (This is where you present evidence in support of your thesis and analyze it.) 4 th Paragraph : Discussion of what is currently happening in your conflict 5 th Paragraph : Conclusion. What is being done to manage/control your conflict. Is it effective? Why or why not?