This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No IRENA DEMONSTRATING ADVANCED RE-ENTRY TECHNOLOGIES FOR PLANETARY EXPLORATION MISSIONS Pierre W. BOUSQUET, Aurélien PISSELOUP, Hendrik WEIHS, Cosimo CHIARELLI, Georgios VEKINIS, Michelle MUNK, Tetsuya YAMADA, and the IRENA Team IAC-15 A3.1.3 Jerusalem, October 12 th 2015
What is IRENA ? R&D project funded by the EC’s Horizon 2020 programme (Coordination and Support Action ) Selected out of 2014 Space Call COMPET : “Technology “demonstrator projects” for exploration” Objectives: define 2 entry/re-entry demonstrator projects (flight or ground) aimed at international cooperation (esp. USA and Japan) Create the ground for their actual implementation (funding, governance, international partnership) Schedule:January 2015 – April 2016 Budget: 800 k€ ESA ARD FP7 Rastas Spear ESA IXV
Who is involved ? Space agencies Large space integrators Research institute coordinator 3 rd party observer
Why ? International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG)’s vision and roadmap (GER) need for entry, descent, and landing technologies test and demonstrate International cooperation is key EC also selected entry/re-entry as a key technology Interest to create and promote new initiatives in Europe
Where we stand Demonstration needs defined Demonstrator candidates selected 3 workshops completed Selection of the most promising ground and flight candidates in Progress
MPL – Mars Precision Lander (ESA) MELOS - Mars Surface Rover (JAXA) Future robotic missions under consideration =>- Guided entry, - Smart parachute deployment trigger, - Relative and Absolute optical navigation, - Hazard avoidance system: lidar and/or camera-based => Cost efficient deployment of small stations INSPIRE - Mars network Science Mission (ESA)
MARCO POLO – Asteroid Sample Return Phobos Sample Return (ESA with Roscomos) Trojan Asteroid Sample return (JAXA) Future robotic missions under consideration LPSR – Lunar Polar Sample Return (ESA with Roscosmos) Lunar South Pole-Aitken Basin Sample return (NASA) Comet Surface Sample Return (NASA) =>Re-entry from 12 km/s to 15 km/s =>- Re-entry at ~ 11 km/s - Preservation of ice samples, down to cryogenic T° =>- Re-entry up to 15 km/s - Preservation of ice samples down to cryogenic T°
Sample Return from targets of major exobiology interest such as Europa or Enceladus (NASA) Future robotic missions under consideration => - Re-entry up to 15 km/s, - Back Contamination Planetary Protection. MSR – Earth Re-entry Capsule => - Re-entry at ~ 12 km/s, - Back Contamination Planetary Protection. Credit ESA
MSR – Aerocapture option for return orbiter Mars aerocapture demonstrator ATOM (JAXA) Future robotic missions under consideration HERA Saturn Entry Probe (with NASA) Uranus or Neptune probes => Very high velocity entry (V > 35 km/s) => - Protection of orbiter backside - Robust and autonomous GNC - Lift modulation control Credit CNES
Human exploration No dedicated European mission. Europe could provide subsystems for entry vehicles, within the frame of a worldwide program. Small Recovery Capsule from LEO (studied both in Japan and Europe) Return from LEO or CisLunar Space (cargo from human expeditions) derived from IXV Very heavy Mars landers for human exploration, in the 20T to 40T range (NASA) Mars Aerocapture for large size assets - cargo in support to human exploration (NASA)
Call for ideas for demonstrator candidates 19 proposals received: 7 ground, 12 flight 2 proposals merged, one proposal integrated Major Topics: 1.Aerocapture / Aerodynamic decelerator (8) 2.GNC partly combined with aerocapture (6) 3.High speed entry/TPS (4) Programmatic and techical selection criteria 3 flight and 1 ground demonstator proposals pre-selected
Adaptive and Versatile Front shield Test bed Objective: generic capsule test-bed able to be tested in arc jet facility or to fly Main features: The demonstrator will integrate the overall necessary instrumentation to measure and gather information during the arc-jet testing and eventually in-flight. Test of shape, TPS-Concepts, thermal capsule behavior and sensors (including recession sensor) Utilization of SCIROCCO Wind tunnel test facility Potential for international collaboration: Interest also at JAXA
Aerodynamic Decelerator Demonstration (ADD) Objective: flight demonstration of moveable and foldable decelerator systems Main features: Test of specific GNC technics using the Decelerator as an aerodynamic actuator Acquire real flight data by using sounding rockets Comparison of flight data with ground test and simulation data Demonstrator size and flight conditions adaptable to mission goals and budget by different rocket versions Potential for international collaboration: Interest also at NASA and JAXA
Earth Aerocapture Demonstrator Objective: Demonstration of an autonomously controlled earth atmospheric pass allowing to decrease apogee altitude and possibly changing inclination of the orbit as Piggy back. Main features: Test specific TPS and GNC technics and algorithms in a realistic environment. Acquire aerothermal environment Aerocapture can be profitable on any atmospheric body Potential for international collaboration: Interest also at NASA and JAXA Launch HEO ORBIT
Objective: aerocapture demonstration at Mars as piggy back. Main features: First Aerocapture at Mars Mission infusion potential for both human and robotic at Mars and inner and outer planets Aerocapture required to land huge amount of mass on the surface of the Mars. Lift modulation control for secure aerocapture Acquire aerothermal environment close to thermal protection systems Potential for international collaboration: Interest also at NASA and JAXA Mars Aerocapture Demonstrator
Assesment of future exploration missions pushing limits in entry / re-entry. 19 flight and ground demonstrators evaluated, 4 pre-selected and under detailed study: Adaptive and Versatile Front shield Test bed (ground demonstrator) Aerodynamic decelerator Earth aerocapture Mars aerocapture NASA’s offer for piggy back cubesats on 1 st Orion Space Exploration Mission planned for 2018 is being considered. 3 rd phase: implementation in terms of governance, funding & international cooperation => Open workshop planned for April Conclusion
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