* Grew up in Ca * Bachelors in Education from Arizona State * Masters from ASU in Curriculum and Instruction * Taught in Phoenix for 7 years * Taught in CUSD for 11 years * Family: Chris (husband) Kids: Bryce (20), Lauryn (16) & Ryan (14)
Comprehensive ELA program - Reading, Writing, Phonics, Grammar, Vocab New Math adoption- “My Math” by McGraw Hill Defined STEM Engineering Design Process (ask imagine plan create improve) Design Challenges Integrated Science and SS Units Science Social Studies Living & Nonliving Things Maps Skills Human Body American Symbols Nutrition American Revolution Health & Wellness Westward Expansion Weather Literature Studies/Read Alouds - Charlotte’s Web - Sarah, Plain and Tall - Little House on the Prairie
* Monthly Behavior Calendar Monthly Behavior Calendar - A stamp or sticker will be given on days where no reminders were needed - A number will indicate which behavior reminder was given * Homework - Choice Board & Reading Log (w fluency passage) Choice Board & Reading Log - Speaking & Listening project quarterly Speaking & Listening project quarterly - Ongoing practice of addition and subtraction facts is necessary for fluency - Math hw is assigned M-Th and is due the following day
* New school wide policy- no doughnuts, cookies, cupcakes, or other edible treats * Pencils, stickers, and small tokens are great alternatives
* Art Masterpiece - Art Guides: We have had several parents volunteer. * Field Trips * Room Parent(s) - one for clerical duties (Andrea Archer & ???) - one for party planning * Class Parties - Valentine’s Day - Thanksgiving - Winter Break - End of the Year * JA (Junior Achievement) Day - end of 2 nd qtr * Mystery Reader - every other Friday (Sign Up Genius will come home)
* Please let me know if you have any questions! * Best form of communication is * Please notify the office of any schedule or dismissal change. * Be on the lookout for the 2 nd grade weekly newsletter 2 nd grade weekly newsletter & PTO’s MMM filled with important information
* Lunch is from 11:35-11:50 * Recess is from 11:57-12:15 * You may eat lunch with your child but they may not bring a friend. * Lunch prices have increased this year to $2.60.
* Access grades (We are paperless!) * School communication * Attendance * ECA Fees (see handout) ECA Fees If you need help creating a portal account, please check my website on 8/1.