2 1.Thinking Geography To understand the issues around the world and how the change your life we first need to understand geography. What do you think geography is? Why study geography?
3 GeographyGeography is the study of people, their environments, and their resources. A geographer looks at how the natural environment affects the way we live. A geographer also looks at the way we live and how we change the environment in which we live in. A geographer looks at the natural resources people use. A natural resource is a material that humans can take from the environment to survive and satisfy their needs. For example a mountain range may contain reserves of coal or iron, while a nearby river or ocean may supply fish. The iron, coal, and fish are examples of natural resources.natural resource What do you think is a natural resource?
4 Maps and Globes To locate places, geographers used maps and globes. A map is a drawing of the Earth’s surface. map A globe is a round object shaped like a ball (sphere) that has a map of the world on it.globe
5 A drawing of a map on a flat surface is called a map projection.map projection. A person that makes a map is called a cartographer. cartographer. Today they use sophisticated technology to make maps.
6 Kinds of Maps Here are three types of maps that we use in our everyday lives. They are political, physical, and thematic. Each type of map serves a specific purpose.
7 The political map shows the boundaries (or lines) that people use to divide their world into countries and states.political map
8 A physical map shows natural features, such as, mountains, deserts, rivers and oceans.physical map
9 A Thematic map is a map that focuses on one theme or subject. Examples include… religion and language as well as population maps, climate and land use maps. See below for Population map. A population map lets you know how many people live in different areas of the Earth.population map
10 Latitude and Longitude Most maps have lines on it that look like lines on a sheet of graph paper. These graph lines make it easier for us to locate the exact location of a place. These lines on the graph are measured in degrees °.degrees Latitude Longitude
11 We use a compass rose to determine directions on a map. A compass rose shows the directions of North, South, East and West on a map.compass rose The lines that that run north to south (or up and down) are call longitude.longitude.
12 The lines that that run east to west (or left to right) are call latitude.latitude.
13 The Equator divides the Earth into two halves called hemispheres.hemispheres. We divide the Earth in half with an imaginary line at 0° latitude is called the Equator.Equator
14 An imaginary line divides the earth into two equal east and west (left and right) halves. This imaginary line is called the Prime Meridian.
15 Time Zones Lines of longitude and latitude also help us tell what time it is all over the world. Why does time differ on the earth from place to place? The answer is that the Earth rotates on its axis. As the Earth moves, the sun appears to rise in some places and set in other places. Throughout the world people use the rising and setting of the sun to set their clocks.
16 To make this easier the world was divided into 24 time zones. Each time zone represents 1 hour in time on a clock. As you move from time zone to time zone you increase or decrease you clock by 1 hour for each time zone you cross when traveling. If you head West, you lose an hour for each time zone you cross. If you head East, you add an hour for each time zone you cross. Each zone you cross is called a Standard Time Zone.Standard Time Zone.
17 The Five Themes of Geography Location Historians and geographers try to discover where something important happened. They also try to figure out why that event happened? A geographers task is to try to pinpoint the exact location of an event. Place A geographer looks at the physical features of a place. They looked at the climate (weather), plant life, animal life and bodies of water. People often help to shape the way a place looks by their ideas and actions. Region Geographers study regions. A region is an area of the world with similar characteristics. For example, The Great Plains is a region because it has fairly level land, very hot summers, very cold winters and little rainfall.region
18 Themes of Geography Cont. Interaction Between People and Their Environment Throughout history, people have adapted and changed their natural environment. For example, ancient hunters learned to grow food crops in the Americas. Later Americans in the Southwest developed methods of irrigation, or bringing water to dry lands. Today, advances in technology allow people to alter their environment dramatically.irrigation People have invented ways to take oil from the ocean floor. They have cut down thick forests to build highways.
19 To get resources they had to move place to place. As they met other people, they exchanged their ideas and technology. Technology is any new idea or invention used to improve the life style of people. Examples of technology are automobiles, televisions and radios. These advances in technology led to the world we live in todayTechnology Themes of Geography Cont. Movement People move around to different places throughout the world because their resources (raw materials) are spread unevenly around the world. They also move to search for work and places to live. Resources are things that we get from the Earth to help us survive, such as trees, water and fish. People need these resources to build their houses and survive.
20 2. Lands and Climates of the United States Geographers divide the United States into several different physical regions with contrasting landforms.. Types of Landforms (Look and examine the map on page of your textbook.) Mountains- Mountains- are high steep rugged land. They rise to an elevation (or height) of at least 1,000 feet above the surrounding land. Hill- Hill- Hills are areas of raised land, but they are lower, less steep and more rounded than mountains. Plains- Plains- Plains are areas of flat or level land. Plateaus-Plateaus- Plateaus are large raised areas of flat land. A narrow strip of land that joins two large areas is called an isthmus.isthmus
21 A tributary is a stream or smaller river that flows into a larger one. These rivers provide transportation by boats. They also provide moisture (or water) for most part of the plains of the United States. The rivers of the United States crisscross the country linking different physicals regions. Rivers and Lakes There are many great river systems in North America. They collect water from melting snows and rain and carry it to the oceans. The Mississippi River The Mississippi River and the Missouri River and their tributaries make up the largest and most important river system in the United States.Missouri River tributaries The Great Lakes
22 Factors that Affect Climate WeatherWeather is the condition of the Earth’s atmosphere (or air.) It could be hot or cold, rainy or dry or something in between. The United States has 10 different types of climates. Climate is the average weather of a place over a period of years. Two features define the climate. They are temperature and precipitation. What do you think is temperature? Climate Precipitation Precipitation is the water that falls from the sky in the form of rain or snow. The location and altitude, or height of the land above sea level, of a region also influences climate.
23 HistoryHistory is an account of what happened in the life of people. Historians use the past to ask the question, what happened in this place? Historians look at the location, place movement and religion to try to explain the life of a population. Many different cultures have their own individual history. Section 3 The Tools of History What is History?
24 Historians collect evidence and use it to interpret events in history. Historians first use primary sources. A primary source is firsthand information about people or events. Primary sources include official documents such as laws or court decisions, public speeches, and eyewitness accounts such as diaries or letters, and autobiographies. Primary sources could include visual evidence such as an original news photograph or videotape.primary source The Declaration of Independence. Primary and Secondary Resources What can you tell me about this document? A primary source.
25 Historians also make use of secondary sources. A secondary resource is an account provided after the fact by people who did not directly witness or participate in the event. An example of a secondary source is a textbook, encyclopedia, books and articles written by historians. What do these items have in common?
26 Archaeology What is the meaning of the cartoons? When dealing with a primary source, the historian must determine whether it is authentic. Authenticity refers to whether or not the source is actually what it seems to be. For example, in 1928, a magazine published a series of newly discovered letters that was said to be written by Abraham Lincoln. Soon afterwards they were discovered to be forgeries or fakes. A historian must decide if the source is authentic.Authenticity Abraham Lincoln.
27 artifacts archaeologistarchaeologist. archaeology Scientists have dug up things from the ground. They have found tools, weapons, baskets, and carvings buried in the ground. The evidence that is dug up is called artifacts.artifacts The study of artifacts left by early people is called archaeology.archaeology By studying artifacts, archaeologists can learn much about early people. If they found an arrowhead that would suggest that people knew how to make weapons and hunt. Each object they found can provide valuable information about early cultures. CultureCulture is the entire way of life that people has developed. It includes the behavior, customs, ideas, beliefs, and skills that people teach every new generation.
28 Section 4 Economics and Other Social Sciences The study of how people manage their limited resources to satisfy their wants and needs is called economics.economics. Every society must fulfill people’s basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing. A society must make decisions how they will fill these needs. Technology plays a large role in these decisions. For example, Technology uses machines and manufacturing to produce things. Lastly, a society must decide for whom we should produce goods and services for. We are all consumers, or users of goods and services. However, just as resources are limited, supplies and services can also be limited.consumers Today we live in a cash economy, that is, an economy where we exchange money for goods and services. The economy of the United States is based on a principle known as free enterprise. In a free enterprise system, the government plays a limited role in the economy. Businesses are owned by private citizens. Owners decide what products to make and sell.free enterprise system
29 Credit To Mr. Zindman & Vinci