At Barclay School we follow a set of science GCSE courses called Twenty First Century Science. We offer three different routes. Each course has a different character matched to the needs of students. Double award in BTEC Applied Science alongside Core Science GCSE 1 GCSE in Science and BTEC Applied Science double award Edexcel exam board
B3- Life on EarthB1- You and your Genes C1-Air QualityC2- Materials C3- Chemicals in our lives P1- Earth and the Universe B2- Keeping Healthy P2- Radiation and Life P3- Sustainable Energy
B6- Brain and Mind B4- Processes of Life C4- Chemical Patterns C5- Chemicals from nature C6- Chemical Synthesis P4- Explaining Motion B5- Growth and Development P5- Electrical Circuits P6- Radioactive Materials
P7- Further Physics B7- Further Biology C7- Further Chemistry
Year 10: Principles of Applied Science Year 11: Application of Science They are vocational courses designed around a rigorous internal assessment of assignments in each of the different sciences and on an externally marked exam.
Cause-effect explanations Developing scientific explanations The scientific community Risk Making decisions about science and technology Ict, maths and quality of communication skills Practical skills
End of topic tests- every 10/12 lessons Formative assessments every unit to check understanding of content and development of skills Controlled assessments Terminal exams at end of year 11
Usually set as a homework Teachers will provide written feedback and targets to improve
Ask pupils about their lessons Look for homework Encourage research and thinking things through Encourage Pupils to review their understanding e.g. Online text book & revision guide. Contact us if you have concerns all science teachers addresses are on the school website.
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