Body System Project You and a partner (optional) will be assigned a body system: I. Digestive System II. Circulatory System ~ Cardiovascular III. Respiratory System IV. Muscular System V. Excretory System VI. Endocrine System VII. Reproductive System and Development VIII. Skeletal System
AP bio schedule after AP test TuesdayWedThursdayFriday Monday 9 AP BIO TEST! 10 (AP Gov) catch up day 11 (AP Lang 11) 12 (AP World) GATTACA 13 GATTACA 17 Dissection 19 Dissection Presentations 2 presentations
OVERVIEW: The purpose of the project is to help you process through the structures and function of the major body systems in organisms. Your group is to become an expert on one system and create a way to teach your system to the other groups. An emphasis is put on how each system helps an organism maintain homeostasis. COMPONENTS You must provide a visual aid (power point presentation, prezi, display board, video etc) with the material You must include in this presentation helpful diagrams of the various system components or concepts Include a work cited of all your resources at the end of your Power Point. (MLA format), along with “in text” citations a the end of each slide/section You are also welcome to use any website or under 1 min video clip during your presentation The presentation should be no longer than minutes.
Your visual should: Be visually appealing, makes sense outline info well and be easy to read (should not include every word you plant to say) help student understand be clear, visible and not cluttered or distracting (bullet points are good) have pictures that make sense and aid the info, hold interest have no typos or mistakes You should not explain everything in your visual, have notes or cue cards with details, the visual is just for the highlights, main ideas, titles and pictures
Example Presentation Bullet points, minimal text Simple background No crazy colors It should be interesting! You need to be the expert This is an visual aide so you should not be reading off the power point.
Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of muscle diseases that weaken the musculoskeletal system and hamper locomotion. Muscular dystrophies are characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the death of muscle cells and tissue. Symptoms: Progressive muscular wasting Poor balance Drooping eyelids Atrophy Scoliosis Inability to walk Frequent falls Waddling gait Calf deformation Limited range of movement Respiratory difficulty Joint contractures Cardiomyopathy Arrhythmias Muscle spasms
Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of muscle diseases that weaken the musculoskeletal system and hamper locomotion. Muscular dystrophies are characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the death of muscle cells and tissue. Symptoms: Progressive muscular wasting Poor balance Drooping eyelids Atrophy Scoliosis Inability to walk Frequent falls Waddling gait Calf deformation Limited range of movement Respiratory difficulty Joint contractures Cardiomyopathy Arrhythmias Muscle spasms
Muscular Dystrophy Names Period
Muscular Dystrophy Person 1 name Sex linked disease: located on the X sex chromosome More common in males, all races 1 in every 3,500 to 5,000 boys
Cause: genetically inherited disease – Body can’t make the protein dystrophindystrophin Effects: muscles weaken and eventually stop working – Poor balance – Drooping eyelids – Inability to walk – Muscle spasms – death Person 2 name
Treatment: No known cure Physical therapy, exercise, anabolic steroid treatments, or pacemakers can help Person 3 name Interesting Facts: 9 types of MD Pacemaker can be used when heart muscles start not working
Davisson Work Cited MLA format (each person needs their own work cited slide at the end of the presentation) *this sample presentation is not complete! It is missing information
Other reminders Time limit! Keep your presentation about 10 min Don’t forget to know your stuff, define vocab words, be able to pronounce things Have good eye contact, body posture, loud voice.