Engineering in the Water Environment Roy Richardson
Presentation Summary Tradition of River Engineering WFD and Sustainable Development Aims of Water Environment Regulation One year on…
River Engineering Institute of Civil Engineers (1828) “….directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of man“
river engineering
river management world is changing! water framework directive making space for water flood risk management research consortium (FRMRC) promotion of sustainable flood management in Scotland EU Floods Directive
Water Framework Directive framework for management of water environment across Europe to: protect, enhance and restore ecological quality of the water env reduce pollution promote sustainable water use contribute to mitigation of floods and droughts
Legislation Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 River Basin Planning NEW Abstraction, Impoundments, Engineering and Diffuse Pollution Regulations NEW Restoration and Remediation Regulations Duty to Promote Sustainable Flood Management
Controlled Activities Regulations Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations Levels of Authorisation Require efficient use (good practice) Protect Ecological Quality Protect interest of other water users Manage Flood Risk and promote SFM Enforcement Cost directly recovered (approx. £20M per year)
Environmental Standards System for managing the level of modification in the Water Environment Underpins SEPA’s approach to managing hydromorphology Transparent, consistent and risk-based Based on sound science Adaptable
Compare outputs from MImAS with Env. Std. to inform regulatory decision
Database and River Types
CAR Risk Assessment ecological risk 0312 ES passed ES failed (cumulative impact) ES failed (by new activity) Water Body status at risk Environmental Protection Officer Specialist Regulatory and Science Staff detailed design and mitigation derogations
Information Requirements
One year on River Morphology Standards Regulatory Method Position Statements Charging Scheme Extension of Transitional Arrangements Good Practice Guides
Position Statements Emergency Works immediate risk to built property, infrastructure, human health or water quality Culverting of Watercourses presumption against culverting Sediment Management presumption against gravel removal
Charging Scheme Further Reductions replacement of existing structures works on small watercourses (<2m wide) Quick Guide to Engineering Charges
Transitional Arrangements Requirement for authorisation delayed until 1 st April 2007 Still need to APPLY Enforcement powers still available
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