June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor User Group Meeting and Conference Helpful Tools and Utilities that may surprise you Rachael LeBlanc, Solution Consultant June 23–24, 2016 | Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor There are many utilities that are accessible by YOU, the user! They give YOU the power to do things like cleanup your lookup tables, keep tabs on your employees, and change assigned users. You can access the utilities menu by going to the main System Menu and choosing Utilities. Some helpful utilities you can find in this area: Group Update Defaults Lookup Lists Cleanup User Tracking View User Sessions User Reset Utilities Format Phone/Fax numbers Application Mod Audit Change Assigned Users Utilities
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Most Utilities you click on will tell you what the function allows you to do. If you aren’t sure what the function allows you to do, it is recommended that you contact our support team! Utility Help
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Within the Utilities window you’ll notice a button called Application settings. Within that area you’ll find even more useful functions that allow you to set global defaults within your system. Some of the most popular ones are: Hide SSN/DOB on search screen Hide SSN in Profile Report Department Level Security Auto refresh on Search tab Multiple Security Settings Utilities – Application Settings
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Although the Groups area seems unassuming, there may be some useful functions you didn’t realize existed. Some helpful functions in the Groups area are: Batch Add Address to multiple providers Add a future change Establish Provider Links The icon in the main menu will take you into the central repository for Locations and Addresses in your database. If an address is added to this area of the database, it can then be added to any provider that has been added to the Provider folder. The result is less data entry and more consistency for data output. Groups
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor You may need to link more than one provider to a specific address. This can be done utilizing the Batch Add Address function inside of the Groups area. Groups – Batch Adding Addresses Click the Batch Add Addr(ess) button Click the Add button in the upper left corner.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Click the Search button Groups – Batch Adding Addresses cont. Put checkmarks next to each provider that you would like to link the address to. Click the Select button.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor At the bottom, put the checkmarks in the appropriate Address Link boxes, then click the “Add Address Records” button. Groups – Batch Adding Addresses cont. When the Batch Add alert message appears, click the Yes button When the Update Complete message appears, click the OK button
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Sometimes you know a location will be moving or updating part of its information in the future. Instead of waiting for that day to come, make the change now but set it for a future date using the Pending Change function. Groups – Adding a Pending Change On the right side of the screen, click the Add Pending Change button. On the right side of the Pending Record Changes screen, in the Change Type drop down, choose the appropriate action
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Make any change to this record (add a Contact Person, change the phone number, etc.) then, from the Effective Date calendar, choose the date this change will take place. Groups – Adding a Pending Change cont. At the top, click the Save button. There will now be a new View Pending Change(s) button.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor This function gives you a quick and easy way to link providers to a Group Practice Location. This is most helpful when a user previously added an address to the provider’s address record, instead of an address in Group Practices. Groups – Establishing Provider Links Select the Practice Location Name so you are on the Location Detail tab. Click the Associated Practitioners Tab, then the Establish Provider Links
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Groups – Establishing Provider Links Enter the search criteria and click Find. Find the providers who don’t have a chain link icon next to their name (this means they don’t have a link to this Group Practice). Select the practitioners to add by putting a checkmark next to their name or by clicking the Select All button.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Groups – Establishing Provider Links Click Update Provider Data button. Confirm your update by clicking Yes in the message window.