End of Year 2 Assessment
What is my child being assessed in? In May this year, your children will be assessed in: Reading, writing and maths and science How will my child be assessed? The main focus is teacher assessment, carried out as part of every day teaching and learning. Guidance to teachers when making these judgements is published by the government. Your child will also sit tests in: reading grammar, punctuation and spelling maths.
What do the tests consist of? Reading- 2 papers
What do the tests consist of? Maths- 2 papers Paper 1- arithmeticPaper 2- reasoning
What do the tests consist of? Grammar, punctuation and spelling Spelling: Questions:
Maths- How can I help? Examples of the end of year 2 expectations: How you can help at home: Add and subtract numbers to 20 then recall them fluently e.g = 20, 20-3 =17 Ask your child for a pair to make 10 or 20 e.g. for pairs to 20: Parent: I say 9 Child: I say 11 Or when playing a board game, roll a dice twice then add or subtract the numbers quickly. Add two 2 digit numbers e.g = Practise adding in your head. Add on the tens first e.g. 63 in my head, 73, 83 then add the 2 which is 85 Count in 2s, 5s and 10s and 3s and know the 2x, 10x and 5x tables Listen and join in with a x tables CD, chant the tables, collect 5p, 2p and 10p coins and practise counting in 2s, 5s etc Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes Practise telling the time. Make sure your child understands o’clock, half past, quarter to and past. Ask them the time on a regular basis. Make sure they know when they get up, go to school etc. Talk about time!
Reading - How can I help? Examples of the end of year 2 expectations: How you can help at home: Read words quickly and accurately If your child is not yet fluent and reading pink, red, yellow blue or green books, reread them to build up fluency and confidence. Develop pleasure in reading Read bedtime stories to your child and talk about them together- predict endings and discuss the characters Make a list of favourite words or phrases an author has used. Learn a poem together as a family. Understand books they read and listen to Talk about the story or the information read Make predictions together Collect books from favourite authors Talk about why they enjoy the book Ask questions as you go along to ensure your child understands what is happening in the story When you return to a longer text, ask them what has happened so far. Participate in discussions about books, poems, pieces of information
What should my child be able to include in their writing? To meet the expected standard, children must apply these aspects most of the time. I.e. to be generally met with only occasional errors. Some of these standards are quantified at different degrees. E.g. Coordination should be more readily used in their writing than subordination. In addition to the content here, children need to spell many words correctly, using the phonics that they have been taught, plus spell many common tricky non-decodable words. Handwriting Spelling Children also need to use diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters in some of their writing; write capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another and to lower case letters; use space between words that reflects the size of the letters.
Useful websites to play games and practise your skills: