Core Network Services Robin Tasker 10 May 2013
Network Performance
SAR UKLR F/W A Atlas 2*10G LHC OPN Primary and Secondary 2*10G Janet Primary and Secondary LHC Tier 1 Centre RAL Site The Way We Were
And the Strategic Shortcomings
The Network Technical Design Authority (TDA) is responsible for establishing and maintaining the overall technical architecture of the Core Network so that it might be developed and operated in a manner which is consistent with the strategic goals of the STFC, and remains fit for purpose in the light of the evolving demands of its user base. The TDA reports to the IT Operations Board (ITOB) and to the Information Management & Technology Strategy and Oversight Committee (IMTSOC). A Technical Design Authority for the Network
Requirements of a National Laboratory
A New Network Architecture
FY (£350k) 1.Janet connectivity increased to resilient 30Gb 2.RAL site geographically resilient 3.New external core routers operating in a resilient configuration using a 80Gb ring operational June “Big” Data centric “clouds” being migrated to the new infrastructure: LHC Tier 2 migrated, JASIM/CEMS in advanced stages, British Atmospheric Data Centre and LHC Tier 1 started A New Network Architecture Implementing a New Network
FY (£350k) 1.Janet connectivity increased to resilient 30Gb 2.RAL site geographically resilient 3.New external core routers operating in a resilient configuration using a 80Gb ring operational June “Big” Data centric “clouds” being migrated to the new infrastructure: LHC Tier 2 migrated, JASIM/CEMS in advanced stages, British Atmospheric Data Centre and LHC Tier 1 started FY2012/13 (£200k) 1.RAL Firewall re-procurement to provide 40Gb throughput in HA configuration 2.Fortinet Fortigate-3240C firewall selected and procured 3.Implementation planning underway with target operational service in summer 2013 Implementing a New Network A New Network Architecture
FY (£350k) 1.Janet connectivity increased to resilient 30Gb 2.RAL site geographically resilient 3.New external core routers operating in a resilient configuration using a 80Gb ring operational June “Big” Data centric “clouds” being migrated to the new infrastructure: LHC Tier 2 migrated, JASIM/CEMS in advanced stages, British Atmospheric Data Centre and LHC Tier 1 started FY2012/13 (£200k) 1.RAL Firewall re-procurement to provide 40Gb throughput in HA configuration 2.Fortinet Fortigate-3240C firewall selected and procured 3.Implementation planning underway with target operational service in summer 2013 FY2013/14 (£130k) 1.Focus: internal RAL network: to dis-aggregate complex configurations; to provide a simple IP routed environment 2.Review (and replace) Nortel stacked switches and routers to provide appropriate, i.e. modern, technology to level performance needs and based on reliability assessment 3.Introduce better instrumentation through the network Implementing a New Network A New Network Architecture
T1 F/W S1 S2 LHC Tier 1 Centre Atlas 30G Janet Primary 10G LHC OPN Primary R89 30G Janet Secondary 10G LHC OPN Secondary R2 R4 R3 R1 D1 Data Centric Cloud Department C Facility F A F/W Department A Design for Life
Reorganising Service Delivery
Mapping the New Landscape