A Randomized Phase 3 Study of Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cell Mobilization With Stem Cell Factor and Filgrastim in High-Risk Breast Cancer Patients by Elizabeth J. Shpall, Catherine A. Wheeler, Stewart A. Turner, Saul Yanovich, Randy A. Brown, Andrew L. Pecora, Thomas C. Shea, Kenneth F. Mangan, Stephanie F. Williams, C. Fred LeMaistre, Gwynn D. Long, Roy Jones, Mark W. Davis, Robyn Murphy-Filkins, William R.L. Parker, and John A. Glaspy Blood Volume 93(8): April 15, 1999 ©1999 by American Society of Hematology
Study schema. Elizabeth J. Shpall et al. Blood 1999;93: ©1999 by American Society of Hematology
Elizabeth J. Shpall et al. Blood 1999;93: ©1999 by American Society of Hematology
Elizabeth J. Shpall et al. Blood 1999;93: ©1999 by American Society of Hematology
Probability of engraftment of ANC to 0.5 × 109/L and PLT to 20 × 109/L. Elizabeth J. Shpall et al. Blood 1999;93: ©1999 by American Society of Hematology
Proportion of patients from both groups failing to engraft to PLT ≥20 × 109/L within 14 or 28 days after transplant with respect to the number of CD34+ cells infused, overall (top panel) and by treatment group (bottom panel). Elizabeth J. Shpall et al. Blood 1999;93: ©1999 by American Society of Hematology