X-Ban the process! (How a Product Team is improving value delivery rate with Kanban) Dr Andy Carmichael Head of Agile Services, - #lkuk14
Why is this relevant to me? Job title: Head of Agile Services, Clearvision (since May 2013) Role: Development Manager; Product Owner for Spectrum ALM* Nominally a Scrum development process when I arrived Spectrum 1.0 released January 2014 Spectrum 1.2 released Autumn 2014 We needed a process that would allow us to deliver the next most important product feature to quality… faster *spectrumALM.com
Key concern over this time… How do we improve our development processes to meet the business imperatives? Speed Agility Efficiency Responsiveness Forecasting Two typical approaches to improving process 1.Pick a new one … migrate to it 2.Start here … improve (x-ban) it!
Identify the problems Retrospectives and reflection Feedback loops Purpose & Focus
Improvement Improvements suffer the J-Curve syndrome Small step improvements (Kaizen) may alleviate deep dips in performance Radical change might also be needed (Kaikaku) but may not “stick” Kanban is an IMPROVEMENT method based on the Lean flow paradigm
E.G. –Scrumban –Xanpan (XP-ban) –Princeban? –DSDMban? What does ‘X’ban mean Is it a “pick and mix”? Is it a specific set of practices from both sources? Is it the same in every implementation?
What is Scrum? Source: Max 1 month Potentially shippable increment every Sprint
Rules (Scrum Guide) Roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Dev Team) Rites (Planning, Stand-up, Retro, Review, Sprint) Artifacts –The evolving “Increment” –The Backlog The rules are “immutable” If it’s not all Scrum, it’s not Scrum (Scrum-but)* Not specific about technical practice but … Requires “potentially shippable increment” every Sprint (< 1 month) Scrum: an “Empirical Process Framework” * “There are no flavours of Scrum” Jem D’jelal
What is Kanban?
A framework for process change (a metaprocess?) 1.See work as FLOW (Kanban Lens) 2.Start from here (roles, responsibilities, process) 3.Make work and policies visible (e.g. board, WIP limits) Make validated changes (e.g. change WIP limits or DoD) What is the Kanban Method*? *cf. a kanban; a kanban system; the Kanban Method Viewpoint Principles Practices
Where did we start? Visibility of work (and policies) Awareness of interruptions Make work and policies visible
Portmanteau word coined by Corey Ladas (Scrumban, Modus Cooperandi Lean Series, 2008 ) The evolution of a process that would take place if a team was using Scrum and adopted Kanban Also used in the community to mean a method made from aspects of Scrum and Kanban (less usefully!) So what is Scrumban?
Some of Ladas’s expectations of what could happen to a Scrum process… Specialisation in teams efficiency without loss of focus in continuous delivery of features balance between self-organisation and workflow specialisation Relaxation / disappearance of the time-boxed iteration (Sprint) varying cadences for different functions according to need “batch and queue buys you nothing” Scope of the workflow expands not just development/test but “concept to cash” Limiting WIP with small buffers towards the ideal of one piece flow defined workflows, flexible hand-over – the “bucket brigade”
Single piece flow… variable handover
A recent tweet
Understanding flow… and lack of it
How has our process evolved? From “user stories” to “epics and stories” (above the epic?) Limits on WIP – less, more, less Staff liquidity and roles Emphasis on cadence Reviews with stakeholders (monthly – queue replenishment) Retrospectives monthly (moving to the other fortnight!) Deliveries – moving from batches to “when ready” as CI/CD improves Forecasting still elusive… why? does it matter??
From “Scrum-BUT” to quite Scrum-like? Cadence – renewed emphasis on the monthly cycle (was 4 weekly) Roles – Product Owner role clearer, still no Scrum Master Staff Liquidity emphasis rather than cross-functional team members Potentially shippable increment on the completion of any Epic moving to Octopus builds
Change did not come quickly! Reflection Consensus Shared understanding More courage required (just do it... undo it if necessary) Change based on evidence sticks better Saying is not communicating
How can you x-ban your process?
Kanban: Twitter Version Essence of Kanban see flow start here with visible work & policies validate improvements Also see: "How to Adopt to Adopt Kanban
X-Ban the process! (How a Product Team is improving value delivery rate with Kanban) Dr Andy Carmichael Head of Agile Services, - #lkuk14