Overview of the FY17 Proposed Budget Total Appropriation The total budget appropriates over $20 million, of which over $1 million is allocated to capital. 1 Property Tax Rate The property tax rate is more than last year’s rate. 2 Certified Values The certified taxable value increased by 6.5 percent. 3 Revenues Revenues total $20 million, a net increase of $450, Average Home Values The average home values appreciate. 5 Total Staffing The total staffing is at 112 FTEs. 6 Supplemental Requests The budget includes several Supplemental Requests that enhance operations and the quality of service provided to the community. 7 Capital The budget includes over $1 million on capital projects. 8 Non-Profit Funding The budget includes $102,120 in funding for non-profits. 9
2016 Budget vs Budget 2016 Adopted Budget The 2016 Budget allocated 43% to personnel, 12% to debt service and only 4% to capital Proposed Budget The 2017 Proposed Budget allocates 41% to personnel, 14% to debt service and only 6% to capital. VS
2016 Budget vs Budget FundIncreaseJustification General Fund$287,030Pay adjustments, increased capital Debt Service Fund$351, GOBs, SIB loan Utility Fund$111,140Pay adjustments, increased capital EMS Fund$166,450Pay adjustments, increased capital
Highlights of the Proposed Budget Personnel Adjustments Market Adjustments effective October 1, 2016 The proposed market adjustments will affect 5 types of positions and eleven workers. This adjustment totals $73,556. The average adjustment is 3%; however Maintenance Positions are higher. Cost of Living Adjustment effective January 1, 2017 Included in the proposed budget is a cost of living adjustment of 1.75% for all full time positions. This adjustment totals $73, Total Personnel The City has not requested any additional personnel for Total proposed FTEs for 2017 is 112. Insurance Included in the proposed budget is a slight increase for health insurance premiums. Plan redesign may be necessary to maintain the budget level proposed. Additional information about insurance will be provided as it becomes available. Market Adjustments Cost of Living Adjustments Total Personnel Insurance
Highlights of the Proposed Budget Capital Over $1 million in capital is proposed $400,000 for seal coating $400,000 for main replacements (water and sewer) $90,000 for Monseratte MCC controls $103,000 for ambulance
Property Tax Rate WCJC & Hospital District The current rate is $ for WCJC & $ for hospital. 12% City of El Campo The proposed tax rate is $ % Wharton County The current rate is $ % ECISD ECISD’s Proposed Rate is $ % ESDs & Groundwater Dist. ESD #4 rate is $.05950, #1 is $0.03 & the district’s rate is $ % The proposed rate is.62000, almost 3 cents higher than last year’s rate and higher than the effective rate of The average home value appreciated from $115,370 to $122,000. The average homeowner will pay $6 more a month to support this year’s budget.
General Fund Revenues Charges for Services Interest, Licenses & Permits, Misc. Fines and Forfeitures Sales TaxFranchise & Mixed Beverage Tax Property Tax General Fund revenues have increased from the FY16 Budget by $258,910, this increase is seen in Property taxes, as well as sales tax. The proposed M&O tax rate is $ , while the current year’s rate is $ This increase is attributable to an increase in capital contributions, as well as proposed pay adjustments. 4%5% 42%10%34%
General Fund Expenditures General Government Includes Council, Admin., Finance, Personnel, Court and Inspections. 59% of expenses in the General Fund are personnel related, the second largest category is operating expenses, then other services. Repairs and maintenance only constitute 5% of expense. Public Safety Includes Police, Fire, Communications, Fire Marshal, Emergency Management, Non-Departmental/Multi- Departmental Includes transfers, insurance costs, audit, and other services. Public Works Includes Public Works Admin., Streets and Vehicle Maintenance Community Services Includes Comm. Services Admin., Parks, Civic Center and Aquatics.
General Fund 2016 Budget vs Budget Department2016 Budget2017 Budget General Government$1,031,210$1,168,460 Public Safety$3,502,870$3,433,790 Public Works$1,377,600$1,380,070 Community Services$958,830$910,460 Non/Multi Department$1,680,890$1,945,650 Total$8,551,400$8,838,430 Decrease in Public Safety is attributable to Fire Dept. decrease
EMS Fund Revenues 54%3% $952,510 Intergovernmental Revenue Funds from ESD #4 43% $756,520 Ambulance Billing $50,000 Miscellaneous Grants, permits, etc. Revenues have increased $166,450 from the Adopted 2016 Budget, with an increase of $106,520 in ambulance billing, $50,000 increase in misc. and only a $9,730 increase requested in funds from ESD #4
EMS Fund Expenses Category Personnel$1,097,960$1,135,380 Supplies116,020126,220 Repair and Maintenance42,99050,580 Operational Expense91,980126,980 Other Services17,000 Capital Outlay151,000103,000 Transfers75, ,870 Total$1,592,580$1,759,030
Other Funds Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries Business Strategy Court Technology Fund Revenues: $7,800 Expense: $0 Juvenile Case Management Fund Revenues: $8,000 Expense: $8,000 Funds will support Case Manager position in Municipal Court Hotel/Motel Fund Revenues: $160,000 Expense: $160,000 Chamber of Commerce contribution totals $41,280, $118,720 will be transferred to the General Fund Solid Waste Fund Revenues: $1.8 million Expense: $1.8 million Waste Connections contract totals $1.7 million and $130,040 will be transferred to the Utility Fund and the General Fund
Other Funds Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries Business Strategy Police Seizure Fund Revenues: $4,650 Expense: $4,650 Funds to be used for equipment purchases Fleet Replacement Fund Revenues: $95,680 Expense: $95,680 Two Police units, leases for a Streets truck, a Parks truck, and two vehicles for Utilities Information Technology Fund Revenues: $234,930 Expense: $234,930 Contract for IT services, maintenance agreements, new PCs/back ups CIP Funds Revenues: $890,000 Expense: $890,000 Funds will be used for capital projects: $400,000 streets. $400,000 main replacements and $90,000 for Monseratte MCC controls