Accreditation Who does it? Why do it? How is it done?
Accreditation: Who does it? Alphabet Soup: NCANorth Central Association HLC Higher Learning Commission The HLC is one of two Commission members of the NCA. Hey, look! Red twirling text! Is this cool or what? (see why I hate PowerPoint?) FYI, UMSL is accredited by the HLC via the NCA, JTLYK.
A very important point: The US Department of Education “recognizes” the HLC as an official accrediting body for institutions of higher learning.
Because they’re so nosy, some think the HLC is a lot like... The Spanish Inquisition!
A large group of faculty, staff, administrators (even a student or two) have been appointed to a “Re-Accreditation Steering Committee” to facilitate this complex and daunting process. In addition to the “Reaccreditation Steering Committee,” they also go by another name...
Accreditation: Why do it? (This one’s easy)
Without Accreditation... NO Federal Financial Aid for Students (including student loans). NO Federal Research Grants (e.g., NSF) Salary and wages are dependent on having a good degree. In many states it is a felony to misrepresent that a degree is from an accredited institution when it’s not.
Boring Slide Warning!!! Quality of Education yada yada... The Accreditation process is an opportunity for an institution to validate that it is doing what it says it is doing. The HLC examines the institution using the “Five Criteria”. Just WHAT are these mysterious “Five Criteria?”
I. Mission and Integrity II. Preparing for the future III.Student Learning & effective teaching IV. Acquisition, Discovery, Application of knowledge V. Engagement & Service THE FIVE CRITERIA As handed to Charlton Heston by the HLC and the NCA.
The Fab Five Criteria Ringo Starr! X Mission and Integrity.... The organization’s mission documents are clear and articulate publicly the organization’s commitments... Criterion 1:
The Fab Five Criteria Paul McCartney! X Preparing for the Future.... The organization’s ongoing evaluation and assessment processes provide reliable evidence of institutional effectiveness... Criterion 2:
The Fab Five Criteria George Harrison! X Student Learning and Effective Teaching.... the organization’s goals for student learning outcomes are clearly stated for each educational program and make effective assessment possible... Criterion 3:
The Fab Five Criteria John Lennon! X Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge.... the organization assesses the usefulness of its curricula to students who will live and work in a global, diverse, and technological society... Criterion 4:
The Fab Five Criteria Pete Best! X Engagement... the organization learns from the constituencies it serves and analyzes its capacity to serve their needs and expectations... Criterion 5:and Service Do you know how hard it is to come up with theme music for “engagement?”
Notice some recurring themes? …assessment processes… …reliable evidence… …outcomes are clearly stated… …effective assessment… …assesses the usefulness of its curricula… …analyzes its capacity to serve…
How is accreditation done?
This is a TRULY HUGE comprehensive document that takes more than two years to write. First, a lot of time is spent producing a required Self Study.
The Self-Study is an Official Document that: Is an official record that is filed with the HLC/NCA. States How the university deals with the Five Criteria. Stands alone, with evidence, to support its contentions. Draft copies are circulated for campus input. Final copy is made available to all for comment and input 3 months before the Accreditation Visiting Team’s visit.
The HLC Visiting Team Consists of 12 individuals from peer institutions. Participates in an official “Site Visit” to the institution. Writes a report of recommendations following the visit.
The Site Visit 12 Representatives. 12 Peer Institutions. Just like UMSL. Cool. They will visit. They will examine. They will probe. They will ask questions.
They can ask ANYBODY ANYTHING!!!
Anybody!!!! Students...Faculty...Staff...
Even the Chancellor gets grilled …
Anything!!!! How do you contribute to the learning of students? What do you think of the University? What is your job here?
I shelve books in the library. How do I contribute to the learning of students? You make sure that students get the materials they need! Without you, they can’t learn. What’s the Most Important Job?
I make sure that the library is a quiet and safe place. That contributes to student learning, right? Remember, kids. Cannons are not allowed in the library!
What’s the Most Important Job? I draw up employee schedules, sign requests, unlock the building, coordinate room reservations, supervise student employees, and shred all incriminating evidence. Without me, nothing gets done!
What’s the Most Important Job? Everyone’s job contributes to student learning. Everyone’s job is the Most Important Job.
Follow-up Visits Follow-up visits happen when there are questions about the institution. They are NOT uncommon.
So what is our final goal?