Test Administrator Training EOC & Off-Grade Spring Created by Everett Public Schools 1
Introductions 2
Acronyms DC:District Coordinator (formerly DAC) GTSA: Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations ORS:Online Reporting System SC:School/Test Coordinator (formerly SAC) TA:Test Administrator (formerly Proctor) TAM:Test Administrator Manual (includes “DFA”) TDS: Test Distribution System TIDE:Test Information Distribution Engine WCAP:WA Comprehensive Assessment Program 3
District Resources DocuShare link to these folders:: “EOC & Off-Grade” related documents “Required State Forms” “State Testing Forms” (not required but optional). hare/dsweb/View/Collection
TA & Test Coordinator User Cards include 4 sections 1.General Information 2.User Guides and Manuals 3.Assessment Resources 4.Modules Search Resources Test Administrator Resources
6 Testing Portal Cards
7 Print Labels
Security Protocols Policies, laws, practices and prohibited behaviors are detailed on pages of the GTSA. State and local laws and policies specify practices to ensure test security of standardized and ethical administration of assessments. Read the new Professional Standards, Incident, Investigation, & Reporting Guidelines. 8
Test Security Room Setting Before: Instructional materials related to the content of the assessments are not visible, proper signage, seating During: Quiet, proper supervision, using secure browser Supports students concerned about an item: “Try your best and choose the answer that makes the most sense to you” Monitors students throughout testing. After: No test materials used for instruction, destroy secure materials, inventory and return booklets. 9
Tools, Supports & Accommodations Make available for all students, use scratch paper log Append. C in GTSA –Yellow-lined scratch paper – Online Off-Grade MSP Only Review the accommodation one-page sheet Note: Changes in universal tools, designated supports and accommodations may take up to 24 hours to appear 10
Irregularities/Appeals Report any classroom anomaly immediately to the SC who will confer with the DC to determine if an irregularity report is needed. Conditions that may occur that need reporting: –The wrong assessment was administered or started –Accommodations not available –Student was unable to complete the test 11
Document Irregularities Do what you can to correct the situation, i.e. move the students or take away the cell phone. Continue testing whenever possible. Document the irregularity on your Test Assurance Security Form Record the events and provide the SC with specific details of what transpired The SC is responsible to: Contact the DC Complete an irregularity or appeal request Never invalidate a test booklet. Slide 12
EPS Assessment Schedule Discuss the school schedule High School Schedule –End of Course Schedule: Algebra June 7 Geometry June 8 Biology June 9 –Off-Grade Test Window March 7 – June 10 Test Grade 12 by May 10 to receive test scores by graduation 13
Participation and Room Scheduling Extended-time location: Add your notes here Extended testing time: TAs in an extended testing location will need the test ticket and the content area and specific test the student needs to complete. Who will test where? Slide 14
Attendance Procedures: Add your notes –Grade 12 student who was absent and needs the assessment requirement –Contact DC Slide 15
Break Procedures Students are monitored by staff during breaks until testing is completed. Instruct students not to discuss the test. Dismiss students during the test, if necessary, for a Bathroom break, one student at a time Ensure students do not have access to any electronic devices Add your staff break, hall monitor plan information here Add the emergency contact number/plan should a TA need help during the assessment. Have them write the contact information on the back cover of the directions packet Slide 16
Account for all test booklets Account for all secured materials distributed (yellow, lined paper) using the scratch paper log Process for returning scratch paper to be shred is _______ Sign and return the Test Security Assurance Form Review the answer to the question about irregularities, “Have you reported all test security irregularities…?” If yes is marked, there should be comments in the top section or note referring to attached copy. If no irregularities, mark N/A. Review the school procedure when students finish before the rest of the class. Final Checklist… After Testing: Slide 17
Score Reports –Interim Assessments –Summative –MSP/EOC/SBA Online Reporting System
For Assistance Test Administrators: Contact the School Coordinator School Coordinator: Contacts the District Assessment Coordinator District Assessment Coordinator: Contacts OSPI 19