“The Degraded Image” By Dillon Mangum
Before and After
Step 1: Take an image of Michigan field on B&W Film
Step 2 Develop the Film and Scan into computer!
Step 3 Print the image onto paper
Step 4 Fold it the paper up and put it into the shoe of a football player before practice!
Step 5 Unfold the paper after practice and shred it in the paper shredder.
Step 6 Take the pieces and try to put the picture back together with tape.
Step 7 Make a photocopy of the picture taped back together.
Step 8 Submerge the photocopy under hot water for the duration of a night.
Step 9 Put the paper in the oven to “dry it”
Step 10 Take a picture of the final product! Forgot about it in the oven!!