AITS-Rajampet 25 th January, 2010 Certificate in Information Technology
Agenda CIT Culture Scenarios Course structure CIT Sessions
What is CIT? Vision To enhance the quality of education in engineering colleges. “To setup a teacher training program which will provide training to mentors who will train and mentor 12,000 students per year in engineering colleges to be industry- ready”
The Culture Reinforce Core Values Integrity Respect for all Care for Environment Teaming for Excellence Taking Ownership Embrace the learning methodologies
Teaming for Excellence
Excellence Understanding Excellence Vs. Competition
One 1 st Ranker Or 48 students at mastery learning
Team work
Taking Ownership Your learning is your own responsibility Mentors will guide
Core Values explained Integrity Truthfulness Honesty Fairness Doing the right thing even under difficult circumstances
Honesty A few scenarios..
Scenario 1 Suppose you are traveling in an auto and the meter reading shows Rs. 60. You paid the driver Rs. 100 and in return he gave you back Rs. 60. What would you do? Do you think that it is his mistake and just keep Rs. 60?
Honesty 60 Paid Rs 100 to Auto driver Meter shows Rs 60 But the auto driver gave back Rs 60 What you will do?
Scenario 2 Suppose you are playing cricket match and you are last batsman. In one delivery, ball has nicked the bat slightly and wicket keeper caught it and nobody appealed. You know that you are actually out. What would you do? CIT
Last batsman It touched my bat !! No appeal What should I do?
Scenario 3 You came to know that close friend was very dishonest in an incident. Do you dare to say so? By saying so you may lose his friendship
Scenario 4 Suppose we want to get into an environment in the institute wherein there are no invigilators for the exams do you think this is possible, if so, how do we do it? CIT
Core Values explained Respect for all Treat everyone with dignity Treat others as we expect others to treat us Respect for all
Professor Engineer Inspector Doctor PeopleSweeper Pilot
Core Values explained Care for Environment Understand our responsibilities Care for nature and environment Be responsible citizens
Taking care of environment
Course structure
IT Certificate Course Content Computational Thinking Linux Object Oriented Programming Data Structures Develop a mini search engine in Java Office tools and Soft Skills
Learning by Doing A great way to learn something is to do it How do you learn to be good at something? By doing it…... and doing it again as needed Students participate in scenarios close to what they will be doing in the industry
Mentor A mentor is one who has been there, done that, learned from the experience and is willing to share who helps his/her trainees reach their full potential one who encourages his/her trainees to do things for themselves by empowering them
Role of mentor Guide his/her trainees Each mentor has 10 trainees assigned Provide hints not solutions Recognize the potential in all trainees To allow trainees to look beyond their present condition and envision a promising future Catalyst – time-bound learning
A session of CIT Tasks Resources Mentor’s guidance Submission of tasks CIT portalportal Feedback from mentors
Chief Mentor’s Message >
Happy Learning..!