By Encheng L.
Government America government carries out the roles assignment to the federation of individual state. Our country city governments take rule to each city.
Family Structure America have small family, parents and the children in one house. China: Mostly big family system. Parents, children and grandparents in one house.
Meal times & Etiquette American prefers the convenience of eating in front of the TV. Fast food, very popular. Chinese didn’t like to eat fast food, we can’t eat in front of the TV, we like talking when we are eating.
Shops America like to go to Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s--- What the customers need available in one place. In China, we like to go to Hayouduo, Metro and Decathlon.
School Requirement America: 13 years including kindergarten. China: 13 years including kindergarten.
Money America: Dollar bill, Coins (quarter, dime, nickel, penny). China: Renmibi bill, Coins (one, five cent).(1$=6.3 ¥ )
Language America: English. China: Chinese
Sports America: Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey and Car racing China: Table tennis, kung fu, boxing, badminton and ice ballet.
Cooking America: All variety and excitement from all over the countries. China: Dumpling, Fry stir food.
Self America: Individualism. China: Individualism.
Face. America: Come and go overnight and in the end usually does not matter. The end result is more of the focus. A person is more likely to overlook a reputation to get the job done. China: Reputation is very important to Chinese.
Recognition of the Dead America: Most Americans are immigrants who either have lost the information on grave locations are in foreign countries. China: we do remember the day of ancestors died. We remember the days of grand parents and great grand parents death.
Sneezing America: God bless you. China: No one speak to you.
Burping America: Excuse me China: 接光 (Excuse me in Chinese)
Bad number, Lucky number America: Bad number :13, Lucky number:7 China: Bad number :4,13 Lucky number:7
Major Holidays America: Easter, Christmas. China: New year, Lantern festival, National Day (National Day is at 10,1, because People Republic of china was founded on October 1 st, 1949.)
Lost Tooth America: Tooth fairy. China: We usually plant the lost tooth under the ground.
Clothes America: Not specific traditional clothes. China: that is Cheong- sam, Chinese tunic suit
Meal Custom America: Change their menu for each mealtime China: In China: change their menu for each mealtime. They eat rice, soup, vegetable and meat.
School days America: Eight hours a day and five days a week. China: Ten hours a day and five days a week.
Classroom atmosphere America: Informal. China: Students need to follow teachers order all the time.
Discussion in Classroom America: Almost all have discussion in school China: We don’t discuss in school.
Morality lesson America: good things are learned from parents and school. China: Same.
Relationship between teachers and student America: Friendly,No uniforms. China: Not friendly, different attitudes, Uniform, Students stand up when teachers enter the room.
Extra activities in school America: Numerous activities. China: Sports, dance and broad cast.
Vacations America: Three months of vacation in summer, and almost two weeks in Christmas. China: Two months of vacation in summer, and one month of vacation in new year.
Traffic America: Traffic jam don’t choking traffic congestion. China: Traffic jam choking traffic congestion.
Building Americ use villas to live. Many tall building or apartment in China
Population Americ: 311,591,917 people. China: 1,343,830,937 people.
States America: 50 states. China: 34 states.
Economy Americ: one book 15$=90 ¥. China: one book 20 ¥ =3.3$.