The Single Window Service: Relevant for Indonesia? Valerie Schmitt, ILO DWT Bangkok Experts meeting in Jakarta, December 2011
3 objectives of the SPF Protect people from poverty through a guarantee of income security Help people develop their individual capabilities (education, vocational training) CCTs (PKH) Access to jobs (PNPM, ALMPs), creation of micro-enterprises, Micro-Credit (KUR) Pensions for abandoned elderly & severely disabled Help people meet their basic needs (health, nutrition, housing, sanitation, education) Jamkesmas & Jamkesda, Jampersal Raskin, PNPM BOS, Scholarships/PKH Scholarships/PKH Vocational training (BLK)
Graduation through the SPF Alleviate poverty (income sec, access serv) Move out from poverty Human capital development Raskin, Minimum pensions Jamkesmas/da, Jampersal CCTs (PKH), BOS, Scholarships/PKH Job placement, Creation of micro-enterprises Public employment programs, PNPM Vocational training, Micro-credit Contribution to social security (higher levels)
What do we need? Increase & measure outreach Increase & measure impact Improve targeting & update database Monitor coverage & utilization of services Increase availability and quality of services Offer adapted services to the needs (case management) Propose combined benefit packages to address the several dimensions of poverty Evaluate impact on poverty, human capital development, access to labour markets, formalization, job creation… Facilitate access to services and transfers (information, registration…) Create new jobs (in the social sector)
Raskin Jamkesmas/da Jampersal PNPM Families from the formal and informal sectors Children, Working age, Elderly & Disabled Social workers & Advisors -Information on programs -Vulnerability & skills assessment -Registration under the different programs & facilitating use of the services… -Delivery of Smart cards… Improve targeting Channeling social protection & employment services Case management = adapted services to the needs The Single Window Service & access to adapted SP & Employment measures TVET / BLK Job centers Jamsostek Scholarships, PKH Support to Micro-Enter.
Jamkesmas/da Jampersal PNPM Families from the formal and informal sectors Children, Working age, Elderly & Disabled Social workers & Advisors -Information on programs -Vulnerability & skills assessment -Registration under the different programs & facilitating use of the services… -Delivery of Smart cards… The Single Window Service & combining benefit packages TVET / BLK Support to Micro-Enter.
The Single Window Service & Database Consultation & update of the central database Monitoring of coverage Impact evaluation on poverty, inclusion in the labour market … Database SPF Provisions Database beneficiaries TNP2K MoH MoE Bappenas MoL District/ commune Province National Reporting Monitoring at sub national level
The Single Window Service & job creation Access to social services (health care, education, TVET, counseling and training, social care…) will grow Creation of new positions in social sector (mid-wives, health volunteers, teachers in remote areas…) Contractual arrangement: 5 years contract = vocational training & job in the social sector to answer the growing need and to fight against un- employment / underemployment particularly among the youth