Community Service David Bell
Purpose The idea behind community service has not changed. A person serves either to give back to their community or to benefit those in the community in some way. There are many organizations dedicated to community service. The ideas guiding these groups are as varied as the ideals people are willing to work for.
Non-profit Organizations
The organizations previously represented are organizations I was or am currently associated with. One organization deals with the environment, another with youth development. Over the years working with these groups has taught me the value of serving the community.
Previous experience I have been doing community service since I was five. Then the most my cub scout pack would do was pick up trash, or help some of the community members with their gardens. Once I moved to North Georgia, the tasks we were involved with got larger and more complex.
Allatoona clean-up The clean-up occurs every year at Lake Allatoona, and is held by Rivers Alive. One weekend in September is reserved on people’s calendars, and most of the county participates and picks up trash from the lakeside.
Give Blood!!! This cannot be stated enough. Donating blood can save lives. Since I was sixteen, I have given blood as often as possible. The blood goes to people who not only are in accident, but the blood helps keep cancer patients alive during chemotherapy.
This is a job that never ends... I started doing community service through the BSA, and I still do work through them. The last major project I finished through the Scouts was for my church. I replaced a sign above the cemetery for my Eagle Scout Project.
My work with the Church varies from hiding Easter Eggs, to building signs, to fixing dinner for youth. Next to scouting, the church is the second most influential force in my community.
Photos This was found online, but the principles that this troop uses holds true to many scouts, as a joke- or in seriousness in some cases: Top ten reasons to join scouts: 10: Love of the color olive drab 9: Enjoy reading by flashlight 8: Make new friends, and make sure to warn your parents a few may be animals 7: You get to sleep in a tent with only a cloth wall separating you from everything else outside. 6: You are given a real chance to exceed in life’s expectations. 5: Summer camp 4: Learn to tie things up really well. Siblings are just the start. 3: YOU GET TO WATCH THINGS BURN--- OR CAUSE THEM TO. 2: Sharp objects require a master--- and you want to be it 1: Chicks dig a guy in uniform
The memorial service required us to sit in a bamboo cage for a few hours, or to guard the cage. It was boring, but the money raised was going to help pay for research for the still missing individuals locations.
These people wanted to shoot a pistol. Thankfully I was the safety observer for the rifles.
A lot of last semester was used painting murals like this one to help the Detachment with recruiting.
This space is reserved for all the things that I hope to do in the community in the future. If you want to find scouting picture- good luck, cameras don’t get along well with young boys and nature.
What next? I will continue to serve in the community as long as I am able to do so. There is a satisfaction that cannot be explained, it has to be experienced for people to completely understand.
The End What will you do now?