Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Welcome to Show Me Rotary PETS Increasing Humanitarian Service Facilitators Brian Kohlberg, D6060 Eddie Spain, D April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 RI Strategic Plan: Priorities ►Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service Eradicate polio Develop projects with local and/or international impact that focus on one of Rotary’s six areas of humanitarian service Increase sustainable service focused on Youth Service programs Increase collaboration and connection with other clubs, agencies, and organizations 2 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Session Objectives After completing this session, a club President should be able to Identify possible service projects and determine if they conform with one or more of the six focus areas of humanitarian need Evaluate potential club service projects Find and evaluate partners for future club projects 3 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 The Six Areas of Focus The Rotary Foundation supports humanitarian projects that address one or more of the following: Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development 4 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Why is it important to your club to engage in humanitarian service ? 5 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Brainstorming: Current Club Projects In the space on the right, write down all of the service projects your club has accomplished within the last five years that you remember. Include both local and international projects What was the most successful service project? Why? You have 3 minutes to work individually 6 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Reporting Out How did you identify the need for your project? What made your project successful? Were there any partner groups involved? 7 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Successful Service Projects Conform to a Rotary Area(s) of Focus Are well planned in advance Identify needs in advance Produce measurable results Involve a high number of club members May include a successful partnership with another club or organization Incorporate an element of New Generations 8 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 New Generations RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Academy) for high school juniors/seniors; MO-RYLA is state-wide Youth Exchange (short and long-term, inbound and outbound for high school students, ages15-18) Rotaract (service club for college students and young professionals, ages18-30) Interact (service club for high school students) Earlyact (service club for middle school students) The Fifth Avenue of Service 9 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Discussion: Increasing Humanitarian Service Select a successful service project idea from the club projects that you identified earlier in this session. In your small group of two or three, discuss the following questions: How could you incorporate service by a New Generations group into the project? How could you collaborate with other clubs, agencies, or organizations to make the project more successful? What criteria should you use in selecting a partner club, agency, or organization for your project? 10 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Reporting Out How could you incorporate New Generations into the project? How could you collaborate with other agencies to make the project more successful? What criteria should you use in selecting a partner agency or organization for your project? Additional Ideas? 11 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Take-Aways What project ideas that you heard today could you share with the chair of your club Community Service or International Service committee? 12 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Service Projects Resources Links to these resources are on under Resources Club President’s Manual Communities in Action: A Guide to Effective Projects Presidential Citation Project LINK List of sample service projects that other clubs have done 13 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Activities to Schedule Before July 1 Appoint/meet with your club Community Service and International Service Chairs to share project ideas and resources from today Appoint a New Generations Chair Review Presidential Citation goals for service activities with the Board of Directors of your club. 14 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Session Objectives After completing this session, a club President should be able to Identify possible service projects and determine if they conform with one or more of the six focus areas of humanitarian need Evaluate potential club service projects Find and evaluate partners for future club projects 15 April 1-2, 2016
Presidents-elect Training Seminar | Show Me Rotary March 27-28, 2015 Thank you! 16 April 1-2, 2016