Una expresión – An expression: You can't judge a book by its cover. La explicación – Explanation: We need to read a book to know if it's good or bad. We cannot know what it's like just by looking at the front or back cover. This proverb is applied to everything, not only books. We just can judge things in an objective way if we really try to find out what they are like – behind the surface.
Una adivinanza – A riddle: What is broken everytime it´s spoken? La solución – Solution: Silence.
Una receta de cocina – A cooking recipe: Haggis (Scotland) (1) Los ingredientes – Ingredients: 2 onions 2 sheep's hearts 400g lambs' liver 50g oatmeal 75g shredded suet 2 tblsps chopped sage pinch of mixed spice freshly ground black pepper butter for greasing
Una receta de cocina – A cooking recipe: Haggis (Scotland) (2) La preparación – Preparation: 1. Place the onions, hearts and liver in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 40 minutes, then drain reserving a little of the cooking water. 2. Pass the meat and onions through a mincer or chop finely in a food processor. Stir in the oatmeal, sage,mixed spice, a little of the cooking liquid with plenty of black pepper. 3.Grease an 800ml overproof pudding bowl. Place the haggis mixture in the bowl and cover with greased foil tying the foil on with string. 4. Place the bowl in a saucepan on a trivet. Fill the pan with boiling water to come half way up the sides of the bowl, cover, then return to a gentle boil and steam the haggis for 2 hours, topping up with boiling water as necessary. 5. Turn the haggis out and serve in portions with mashed potato and chappit neeps (mashed turnip).
Un compositor – A composer: Henry Purcell (1) Henry Purcell (10 September 1659 (?) – 21 November 1695), was an English organist and Baroque composer of secular and sacred music. Although Purcell incorporated Italian and French stylistic elements into his compositions, his legacy was a uniquely English form of Baroque music. He first became involved with the theater in 1680, most of his dramatic music consisting of overtures, entr'actes, dances, and songs; five works constitute what have been designated "semi- operas," with more substantial amounts of music. Dido and Aeneas is exceptional in that the libretto is set to music throughout.
Un compositor – A composer: Henry Purcell (1) Su muerte – Death: Purcell died in 1695 at his home in Dean's Yard, Westminster, at the height of his career. He was believed to be 35 or 36 years old at the time. The cause of his death is unclear: one theory is that he caught a chill after returning home late from the theatre one night to find that his wife had locked him out. Another is that he succumbed to tuberculosis. Purcell is buried adjacent to the organ in Westminster Abbey. The music that he had earlier composed for Queen Mary's funeral was performed during his as well.
HORARIO/DIRECCIÓN Espacio Movilidad Lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 14:00 Martes y jueves de 17:00 a 19:00 Concertar cita previa. Concejalía de Juventud Paseo Alfonso XIII, nº Cartagena Telf. y fax