National Capital Area Council 2016 Popcorn Sale
“Ideal Year of Scouting” Why did you get involved in Scouting? What do Scouts want to do?
“ Ideal Year of Scouting” Plan our Unit’s program year. Get the Scouts engaged. It’s THEIR program Determine the budget for the year. Set the goal for the Unit and each Scout. Have a well thought out communication plan. Earn the desired funds needed from one fundraiser. Enjoy the activities planned and HAVE FUN
Planning Camping Deep sea fishing White water rafting BB Guns Archery Kayaking Mountain biking Going to a professional baseball game Attend Sea Base Go to the World Jamboree Skiing in Colorado Snorkeling Hike the Grand Canyon Go to Disney World Go to Super Bowl 51 Hike the Appalachian Trail Pinewood Derby Camping in New England in the fall Stay over on a Battleship Minor league baseball sleepover Go to Philmont Zip lining
What Is Our Unit’s Budget?
Determine The Sales Goal
Goal Setting Determine the overall fundraising goal for the unit based upon all the items that are budgeted Break the goal down to an individual Scout goal. Scouts should have the opportunity to earn his own way. Track progress for each Scout so they know how much they’ve earned towards paying their own way. Units and Scouts that set goals will typically sell twice as much popcorn as units and Scouts without goals.
Ideal Year of Scouting
Unit Program Kick-Off
What Are The Benefits to Scout Parents?
No out of pocket expense to enjoy 12 months of Scouting activities. Do one fundraiser a year and spend more time enjoying Scouting. Gives Scouts the opportunity to: -Earn their own way -Learn life lessons and responsibility All Scouts get to enjoy your Unit’s program. Consumers are more motivated to purchase based upon the cause. What are we selling? Message To Scout Families
We Are Selling ADVENTURES! Consumers are 2X more likely to support a cause they believe in.
2016 Product Line Up
Motivate Your Scouts
2016 Popcorn Prize Program
Bonus Prizes NCAC Bonus Rewards $650 -RC Corvette 1:24 scale $1,000 Popchiever Council Shoulder Patch Four (4) tickets to Six Flags America $1,500 - $50 Walmart gift card
Bonus Prizes $2,000 – Two (2) additional tickets to Six Flags America $2,500 – Popcheiver “Ghost” CSP $2,750 – Lunch for six (6) for tickets holders at Six Flags *Bonus Prizes are cumulative
Motivate Your Parents Trail’s End College Scholarship Sell $2,500 once and 6% of your total sales each year is invested in your own college scholarship account Scouts who qualified before continue to add to their accounts each year with their sales Free NCAC Summer Camp District Day Camp, Goshen, Camp Snyder, Camp Airy or Impeesa (National Youth Leadership Training) Good for 2017 camping season Note: All $2,500+ scouts sales must be reported on a NCAC Trails End Scholarship form no later than Dec 9, 2016 with proper documentation
What are the best incentives? Scouting programs that they were able to plan out Gift cards; Movie theaters, iTunes, Game Stop, etc. Fishing poles and gear Camping equipment Video games Pizza party Ice Cream socials The Trail’s End Scholarship program The all “new” Trail’s End piece patch
2016 Piece Patch
Galactic Piece Patch 6 piece patch to jump scout sales into hyperspace! 1.Sell 1 item: Participation Patch 2.Make an Online sale 3.Be a member of the Top Seller Club: $650 4.Sell 1 of each item 5.Make a military sale Become a top flight top-seller… Top selling scout in your unit or sell $ Be the Top Seller pin
Prize Level Cumulative Prize LevelSales Amount Bonus Items (cumulative) PatchRC CorvetteCSP Popcheiver Patch Four – Six Flags Tickets $50 Walmart Gift Card Two – Six Flags Tickets Free CampTrails End Scholarship CSP Ghost Patch Six – Lunch at Six Flags 14$5,000Yes 13$4,000Yes 12$3,500Yes 11$2,750Yes 10B$2,500Yes No 10$2,000Yes No 9$1,500Yes No 8$1,000Yes No 7$850Yes No 6$650Yes No 5$450YesNo 4$350YesNo 3$200YesNo 2$115YesNo 1Sell one itemYesNo
Advancement Requirements Merit Badges and Popcorn Art, Communication, Entrepreneurship, Graphic Arts, Journalism, Personal Management, Photography, Public Speaking, Salesmanship, Traffic Safety, Truck Transportation
©2016 Trail’s End®. All rights reserved. Key Dates
Take Order Sheet and Prize Order Orders are due into the unit kernel no later than Have your prize choice ready Have all of your popcorn money ready to turn into unit kernel Scholarship Form Have form filled out, along with copy of sales (take order form, print out of online sales) Keep a copy for scouts records Sign up for Trails End Scholarship access
©2016 Trail’s End®. All rights reserved. Trail’s End Technology Enabling an Easier Fundraising Program
New Take Order App Mobile App Custom by Council Cascades to Units & their Scouts’ Phones Take Orders & Payment in Real Time PCI Compliant New Website 31 New Website 32
33 New Website
34 New Website
35 New Website
36 New Website
37 New Website
38 Unique Products and Sizes 39
Scouts Are Selling Adventures