Join us for a Jungle Adventure Cub Scout Day Camp 2012 Camino Real District
When? June 25-29, :00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday Where? Camp Mabel French Located near Lopez Lake Cost is $105 for the week or $135 if registered after May 25.
Activities include: -Archery -BB Gun Shooting -Crafts -Games -Nature Hikes
Not to mention a trip to Mustang Water Park!!!
We will close with a family campfire.. Cub Scouts are all about family, and we don’t forget that at camp. Join us for our family campfire on the last day of camp where our Scouts will perform skits, songs, and the closing flag ceremony.
Our camp program incorporates the 12 core values of cub scouts into it’s entire program. -Citizenship -Compassion -Cooperation -Courage -Faith -Health & Fitness -Honesty -Perseverance -Positive Attitude -Resourcefulness -Respect -Responsibility
Don’t forget to bring home your registration materials. Questions???? Camp Director: Melanie Bryant, Cat Keith, ? ? ? ? ? ?
Day Camp 2012 Registration Form – Camino Real District- Camp Mabel French, Arroyo Grande June Please mail this form along with the health and medical record form parts A & B to: 4000 Modoc Road, Santa Barbara, CA or bring in person to the Scout Store in the Santa Maria Mall. Please note: The current medical form and Informed Consent and Hold Harmless / Release Agreement for Day Camp may be downloaded from our Council Website, or can be picked up at the scout store. Cub Scout’s name: _________________________________ ___Pack#_______ Grade (fall 2012)_____ Age: ______ Birth Date _____________ Address:_______________________________________________________City: ___________________ Zip Code: _____________________ Parent / Guardian #1 Name: ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ Best Phone #1: ____________________________________________ Best Phone #2 _______________________________________________ Parent / Guardian #2 Name: ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ Best Phone #1: ____________________________________________ Best Phone #2 _______________________________________________ Circle T-Shirt size for boy: Small (6-8) Medium (10-12) Large (14-16) XL (adult small) Adult Med. Adult Lg. Anything we need to know about your boy to provide him with the best possible camping experience? _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes, I would like to help at Day Camp. Please Contact me. I am available: All days Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. (circle those that apply) Name: ___________________________________ Phone # _________________________ ____________________________________ If you are volunteering at Day Camp we provide a tot-lot for younger siblings of scouts. Would you need this service? Y N S : Furnishing Firearms to Minors under 18 without permission of parent-- Every person who furnishes any firearm, air gun, or gas-operated gun, designed to fire a bullet, or metal projectile, to any minor under the age of 18 years, without an express or implied permission of the parent or legal guardian of the minor is guilty of a misdemeanor. I give permission for __________________________________________ to use a firearm as described above. Signed: ___________________________________________ Dated: _________________ Unit: ________________ Questions? Melanie Bryant,