Materials: index card, 2 worksheets Catalyst: 5 min. – Reflect on last school semester in 4-6 sentences. In what areas did you perform well? What areas need extra work? What is one thing you are proud you tried? What is one thing you would like to try? If you told your family/friends/mentors about your last semester, would they be proud of your accomplishments?
Entry Procedure Enter Silently Pick up necessary materials from side table Place homework in blue tray Find Seat Silently begin Catalyst on Catalyst sheet **Students must be seated and working by 2 minutes after bell rings.
The Wedding
Ms. Nay’s Break
Ms. Nay’s Reflection PERSEVERANCE! We must fulfill the vision and goals – This is the BASELINE We cannot be what society expects of us – More tomorrow We must hold each other accountable.
Objectives SWBAT understand the class motto and class vision and how it relates to their actions. SWBAT recite one of our BIG GOALS and explain why it is important. SWBAT understand and model the Elite Eight Traits and explain how they make us College and Career Ready.
Class Motto If there is a problem, We look for a solution. If there is a better way, We find it. If we need help, We ask. If a teammate needs help, We give.
Our Vision We are scientists. We apply science ideas to today’s world, we act like professionals, we advocate for ourselves and our futures. In this year, we will become College and Career ready. We will make our school and Forest Park into better places. We will learn from scientists around the world, past and present. Finally, we will demonstrate the most academic growth of any Biology class in all of Clayton County.
How will we get there? Exemplifying the ELITE EIGHT traits
1. Respect the Threshold Be ON TIME! (in class BEFORE the bell rings)
2. Be Prepared At 2 minutes: – Homework turned in to blue bin – In seat – Working on catalyst – SILENT
3. No Opt-Out Everyone participates… Every class… No Excuses.
4. Sense of Urgency During class, all instructions are followed within the given time limit.
5. Team and Family During class, students are seen constructively helping (not enabling) others when they finish their own work; students give respectful words of encouragement and support; students are seen doing ‘random acts of kindness’
6. Professionalism During class, students speak in appropriate tones, work well with groups/classmates, and don’t complain or argue.
7. Swift to Listen, Slow to Speak RAISE YOUR HAND! Students don’t put down another student’s answer, but rather, acknowledge their opinion respectfully.
8. Leave It Better Students are engaged in the ‘Close-Out’ and spend the last 2-4 minutes of class throwing away trash, pushing in chairs, and getting the room prepared for the next class.
Class Competition Each class will earn points based on how well they exemplify the Elite Eight Traits. At the end of each Unit, the winning class will receive a special prize! **You can earn more than 8 points each class!
Syllabus Review Action items: Parent Letter due by Wednesday!
Remind 101 · Period 1: to (470) · Period 2: to (470) · Period 4: to (470) · Period 5: to (470) · Period 6: to (470) · Period 7: to (470) * To opt-out, text (include your class’ code where the pound signs are) to(470) Standard text message rates do apply.
Panther Pass On back of Index card, answer the following questions in 4-6 sentences. Be specific!: – What or who motivates you? – Why? – Is this a positive motivator or a negative motivator? – What would happen if you were not successful?