June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 1 User Group Meeting and Conference Letters Katie Thuotte, Technical Support Analyst June 23–24, 2016 | Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 2 There are multiple areas within IntelliApp and IntelliCred that can generate letters. Checklist Tab Verifications Tab Action Items Output The program contains a set of default letter templates, these are kept in the letter storage area. Letter Functionality 2
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 3 Standard letter templates are kept in the Letter Storage Area. To access the Letter Storage Area, click the Setup Icon located on the menu bar. Under the listing Communication, click Letter Storage Area. Letter Storage Area 3
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 4 Standard Letter Templates Letter Templates 4
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 5 To open the letter in word, select the letter and click the View/Edit button Letter Templates 5
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 6 Letter Templates 6
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 7 Merge Fields 7
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 8 Merge fields populate by using a datasource to retrieve information Datasources 8
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 9 Editing a Template Templates are edited using the Microsoft Word Mail Merge 9
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 10 Editing a Template 10
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 11 To view populated merge fields, click Preview Results. A sample is displayed showing the finished letter Viewing Template Field Data 11
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 12 Additional Customization Adding a Logo: To add your company logo to a letter In Word, click the insert tab Click the Picture Icon and browse to the logo file The logo must be in one of the following formats JPG BMP GIF You can also copy and paste a logo from another letter or word document. Editing Letter Templates 12
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 13 Saving Changes Once changes have been made to the letter, click save. This saves the updated letter in your letter folder. C:IntelliCred/Letters/Standard Once the letter is saved and closed, the Edit Document window will be seen. Editing Letter Templates 13
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 14 Saving Letter Edits Click the save button on the Edit window A pop appears asking if you want to update the document, click yes Once saved, the document is updated in the system for all users. Letter Templates 14
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 15 Create a new letter or open an existing letter in Word. Once the letter has been created/opened make any needed edits or additions. Save the letter by clicking File>Save As. Save the letter in the folder C:IntelliCred/Letters/Standard. The letter name cannot contain spaces, but underscores can be used. Creating a Custom Correspondence Letter 15
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 16 Attach a Datasource to the letter. This file contains the merge fields To attach a Datasource Click the Select Recipients Icon and choose Use Existing List. If the letter is using a standard datasource, go to C:IntelliCred/Letters/Data Select the text file that you would like to use. A generic datasource is available for correspondence that is not screen specific Once selected, the datasource will then be attached to the letter. Click Insert Merge Field and the dropdown will populate with the available fields. Creating a Custom Correspondence Letter 16
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 17 Modify the letter by adding or editing merge fields and text Creating a Custom Correspondence Letter 17 When finished, click the save button and exit out of Word
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 18 The new letter needs to be added to the system before it can be used. Go to Setup>Letter Storage Area Click the Add button to add the new letter. In the Add Document Window, click the Select File button. Go to C:IntelliCred/Letters/Standard and select the letter you want to add. Select Correspondence as the Letter type in the Add Document window. Creating a Custom Correspondence Letter 18 Click Save and Exit out of the Letter Storage Area
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 19 Creating a Custom Correspondence Letter 19 Now that the letter has been added to the Letter Storage Area, it needs to be setup for use. Go to Setup>Letter Setup This is where Practioner Correspondence Letters are configured Click the Add button and fill in all fields marked in yellow Once finished, click the Save button. The letter is now ready to be used.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 20 Organizations that purchased IntelliExport as part of their database can create custom datasources. Using Export with Custom Letters 20 To Access Export, Click Setup>Export Setup
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 21 In Exports that are being used for datasources, no SQL Code is needed. The Save path should be C:\IntelliCred\Letters\Data The user will select and map the fields that they would like available in the datasource When the Export is Run, it creates a text file that can be used as a Datasource with any custom letter. Using Export with Custom Letters 21
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 22 Click the Output button and select Letters from the dropdown Choose the letter you want to send, then select the appropriate facility from the dropdown. Once the facility is selected, click next Generating the New Letter 22
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 23 Click Practitioner Search or the Batch Search button to select the providers who you want to send the letter to. Generating the New Letter 23
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 24 Generating the New Letter 24 Select the providers by putting a checkbox next to their name. Once the providers have been selected, click the select button.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 25 Generating the New Letter 25 After you return to the provider select screen, it will list the names of the providers you chose. Click the run button to process the letter. It will then generate the letter with the selected provider information.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 26 If a provider is missing information from their checklist, a letter can be run from the Checklist Tab. This letter will advise the provider of the items missing from their checklist. To generate the letter, under the provider checklist tab, click the letter button. Once the button is clicked, a popup will appear saying “Opening Microsoft Word”. The letter will open and minimize to the task bar. To view the Missing Information Request Letter, click on the Word Icon. Missing Information Letter 26
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 27 Verification Letters are sent from the Verification Tab in IntelliCred only. Any verification letter can be generated by clicking the Letters button. The system opens a window with a list of Primary Source Verifications that are using a letter. Sending Out Verification Letters 27 To process a letter, click the Process button next to the specific letter you want to send. Each letter uses a different template, those are in the Letter Storage Area and are based on criteria from the Facility Setup.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 28 Once the letter is processed, a windows appears that allows a user to select one of three process methods. Letters can be printed, faxed, or ed from the system. To a letter, a user must have their properties configured by an administrator. To Fax a letter, a user must have the ability to fax directly from their computer. This is done through an application such as MS Fax. Letter Processing 28
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 29 Two letters can be generated from the Applications Tab in IntelliApp. The letters are Follow up Payer and Applications Application Signed Follow up Certain requirements must be met in order for the letter to be available in the correspondence generator list Follow Up Payer - These records need to have an Incomplete–Participating Action listed and a mailing address set in their record. Application Signed Follow Up - These records need to have an Incomplete- App Rcvd Prac Action Listed and a mailing address set in their record. Application Letters 29