A Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) B Task-based Learning (TBL) C Total Physical Response (TPR) D The Lexical Approach E Grammar Translation F Test-teach-test G Guided discovery
59 I asked groups to design an advertisement for a new type of cereal. While they were working, we looked at some real advertisements together, and the students practised writing some ‘slogans’. 60 I gave the class an exercise on the past simple and past continuous. Lots of students found it difficult, so I explained the grammar, then they practised in pairs. 61 I gave the class a series of instructions, for instance, to stand up and turn around, which they followed. Then some students gave me the same instructions. 62 I introduced a new structure to the class by showing a set of pictures while I said sentences containing the structure. Then I gave pairs some sentence prompts to complete. Finally, students talked in groups about a similar set of pictures while I monitored their conversations. 63 I gave the class some ‘if’ sentences containing second and third conditional structures. In pairs, they discussed the sentences and completed a set of grammar rules for the form and use of the two structures. 64 I gave the class an authentic text from a magazine about unusual sports. We found lots of useful sports collocations in it and looked in some detail at how the text was written. The students then practised using some of the new language, orally and in writing.
59 B 60 F 61 C 62 A 63 G 64 D
Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) A way of teaching new language in which the teacher presents the language, gets learners to practise it in exercises or other controlled practice activities and then asks learners to use or produce the same language in a communicative and less controlled way.
Task-based Learning (TBL) A way of teaching in which the teacher gives learners meaningful tasks to do. After this the teacher may ask learners to think about the language they used while doing the tasks, but the main focus for learners is on the task itself. Project work is often task-based.
Total Physical Response (TPR) A way of teaching in which the teacher presents language items in instructions and the learners have to do exactly what the teacher tells them, e.g. Open the window. Stand up.
Lexical approach A way of teaching language that focuses on lexical items or chunks such as words, multi-word units, collocations and fixed expressions rather than grammatical structures.
Grammar-Translation method A way of teaching in which learners study grammar and translate words and texts into their own language or the target language. They do not practise communication and there is little focus on speaking. A teacher presents a grammar rule and vocabulary lists and then learners translate a written text from their own language into the second language or vice versa.
Test-teach-test A way of teaching new language. The teacher asks learners to do a task to see how well they know a certain piece of language (this is the first test). The teacher then presents the new language to the learners (teach), then asks the learners to do another task using the new language correctly (this is the second test). This way of approaching teaching target language can be helpful if the teacher thinks the learners may already know some of the target language. It helps the teacher diagnose what the learners need to learn so that s/he can focus only on what learners need to learn in the presentation (teach) stage.
Guided discovery A way of teaching in which a teacher provides examples of the target language and then guides the learners to work out the language rules for themselves.