1. Parallel Teaching Each teacher presents the same information to the students, but can do so in different ways. Allows for student grouping based on: Learning style Ability level Concept applications Can track students’ level of understanding Groups can switch teachers and re-learn info or stand alone
2. Speak and Help One teacher takes the lead and presents info, activity, etc. Second teacher keeps track of responses, ability to move into a new activity, get started on assignment, etc. Very helpful for data collection on specific students Gets immediate feedback of student knowledge
3. Speak and Chart One teacher verbally presents the information Second teacher writes info down as a model of note taking, charting, graphing, etc. Allows students to “see” good note taking skills Helps student to learn the important info in a text
4. Speak and Add One teacher presents concepts Second teacher adds in analogies, stories, etc. To reinforce key concepts Teachers need to have a good report and the students need to be able to handle multiple speakers at a time. Helps the students to get multiple perspectives Important that teachers switch roles so one isn’t seen as the “expert” and the other the “helper”
Helpful Link: Pre-made co-teaching lesson plans for all levels and areas: 2teachllc.com Opening video: Closing video: Simple Truths re=related&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active