Improvement Kata & Coaching Kata Beth Carrington June 16, 2016
Beth Carrington Carrington Consulting Inc. Kata Master Learner
Building Continuous Improvement Capability Common CI Answering the question “What can we do to improve?” Waste Walks Brainstorming Benchmarking - Implementing pre- determined solutions Episodic events Another way… Answering the question “What do we need to improve? Acheiving very specific and challenging goals and objectives Devoloping solutions and over-coming obstacles through experimentation Daily learning and striving
Improvement Kata & Coaching Kata
Improvement Kata 4 – PDCA to Overcome Obstacles Target Condition Vision Challenge Current 3 – Establish the Target Condition 2 – Grasp the Current Condition 1 – Understand the Direction Based on Mike Rother’s Improvement Kata
Understand the Direction Often use Value Stream Mapping To parse Organizational Challenges To Process Level objectives Target Condition Vision Challenge Current Vision and Challenge come from leadership Vision is principle based, vague far away… Challenge is specific and time based. 1 – Understand the Direction Based on Mike Rother’s Improvement Kata
Grasp the Current Condition Target Condition Vision Challenge Current 2 – Grasp the Current Condition As it relates to the Challenge Following the Mini Routine of Process Analysis Based on Mike Rother’s Improvement Kata
Establish the Target Condition Vision Challenge Current 3 – Establish the Target Condition Describe the Desired Pattern of Work you predict will give out a outcome moving you closer to the Challenge List obstacles you think will prevent you from reaching the target condition. Based on Mike Rother’s Improvement Kata
Plan Do Check Act 4 – PDCA to Overcome Obstacles Target Vision Condition Vision Challenge Current Plan is an experiment to overcome an obstacle, Single factor experiment, with a predicted outcome Do is an execution of the experiment, observing closely. Check is comparing what you observed with the prediction. Act ion what you learned Based on Mike Rother’s Improvement Kata
Coaching Kata
Reflect on the Last Step Taken Coaching Kata 5 categories of questions Represents a thought pattern A pattern to help guide to the Scientific Method C O A C H I N G K A T A The Five Questions What is the Target Condition? What is the Actual Condition now? ----------------- Turn Card Over ------------------> What Obstacles do you think are preventing you from reaching the target condition? Which *ONE* are you addressing now? What is your Next Step (next experiment) What do you Expect? How quickly can we go and see what we Have Learned from taking that step? Reflect on the Last Step Taken Because you don’t actually know what the result of a step will be! What did you plan as your Last Step? What did you Expect? What Actually Happened? What did you Learn? Return to question 3---------> © Mike Rother
Coach Learner
What’s behind the scene What’s really going on here!
Kata….. A kata is a routine you practice so it becomes habit. Through practice the pattern becomes second nature, reflexive – requiring little or no effort.
Habits… Neural pathways are strengthened through deliberate or intentional practice, repetition building habits. The things we do, our thoughts, our interpretation of the world around us is based on our habits. By shaping specific habits we can build a desired mindset.
Mindset… Building an adaptive mindset. Expanded Comfort Area Mystery Learning Zone Uncertainty Expanded Apparent Certainty Comfort Area Comfort Zone
Wishing you success with your Kata! Kata, kata, kata... Beth Carrington