Airplane Flight: X-Plane in the Classroom
Topics Thrust Landing
Four Forces Of Flight Weight Lift Drag Thrust
Thrust as a force Thrust overcomes drag
Thrust as a force Thrust overcomes drag Thrust determines the altitude of the airplane
Thrust as a force Landing
Thrust as a force Landing Reduce thrust by reducing throttle to 1800 rpm
Thrust as a force Landing Reduce thrust by reducing throttle (1800 rpm) Keep wings level
Thrust as a force Landing Reduce thrust by reducing throttle (1800 rpm) Keep wings level PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
Thrust as a force Landing Reduce thrust by reducing throttle (1800 rpm) Keep wings level PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator All white - too high
Thrust as a force Landing Reduce thrust by reducing throttle (1800 rpm) Keep wings level PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator All white - too high All red - too low
Thrust as a force Landing Reduce thrust by reducing throttle (1800 rpm) Keep wings level PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator All white - too high All red - too low Half white and half red – on target
Thrust as a force Landing Reduce thrust by reducing throttle (1800 rpm) Keep wings level PAPI Practice