Welcome Back Year 13!! DO NOW: How would a post- Freudian psychologist explain depression in Harry Potter?
Learning Objective: to explore short answer questions for PSYB3 ALL will apply knowledge to short answer questions on schizophrenia and mood disorders
Short Answer Questions You will answer 18 marks worth of short answer questions from the Unit 3 exam You will have 30 minutes (roughly how long you would have in the exam) We will then SELF-ASSESS the answers for you to get some speedy feedback
1 From the point of view of patients suffering from schizophrenia, outline one advantage and one limitation of community care. (4 marks) AO1 Award up to two marks each for advantage and disadvantage of community care depending on detail. Likely advantages: normalisation - patients have contact with all members of the community leading to exposure to and possible modelling of 'normal' behaviours; development of social skills; access to employment opportunities. Likely limitation: inadequate supervision leading to disruption of medication; lack of availability of specialist support.
2 Describe how a cognitive therapist might treat a patient with unipolar depression. (4 marks) [AO1 = 4, AO2 = 0] AO1 Up to 4 marks for a description of cognitive therapy for depression. Candidates are expected to describe elements of either CBT, RET or SIT but a generic approach involving features of two/all of these is also acceptable. Credit relevant points as follows: aim to change patient’s negative set; involves identification of illogical/irrational beliefs; hypothesis generation; scientific testing of illogical beliefs; reinforcement of positive thoughts; patient as scientist/patient gathers data; results in cognitive restructuring; rational confrontation; use of positive self-statements. Allow one mark for naming a cognitive therapy.
3 Josie is in her late thirties. Her friend, Caroline, has noticed changes in her behaviour lately and is worried that Josie might be suffering from depression. Give two behavioural changes that might have led Caroline to think that Josie is depressed (2 marks) [AO1 = 2] One mark for each relevant behavioural symptom eg social withdrawal; crying; lack of volition; lack of self-care. Accept also cognitive symptoms that would be demonstrated in behaviour eg poor concentration, memory etc
4 Briefly discuss at least one problem involved in the use of drugs to treat bipolar disorder. (4 marks) [AO2 = 4 marks] AO2 Up to 4 marks for brief discussion. Possible content: In manic phase do not feel ill therefore tend to stop taking medication; leads to revolving door syndrome as symptoms become worse; leading to repeat hospitalisation; usual treatment is lithium carbonate which has unpleasant, even dangerous, side effects eg kidney damage; SSRIs to treat depressive phase take a while to be effective, stigma associated with psychoactive medication; not a cure just alleviates the symptoms. Accept other relevant answers. Candidates may discuss several issues in brief or focus on one in more depth.
5 Describe the psychodynamic explanation for depression. (4 marks) [AO1 = 4] AO1Award up to 4 marks for description of the psychodynamic theory of depression/mood disorders. Candidates may focus on one or two ideas in some detail or on several separate points in less detail. Likely content includes: childhood grief/loss leading to dependency; regression to the oral stage; overdependence due to oral fixation; introjection of hostility – negative feelings turned inwards; role of imagined or symbolic loss; post-Freudian views that depression is linked to mother-infant relationship; failure to meet parental expectation; links with low self-esteem.
TOP TIP for the exam What have you learnt today which you can write down for our PSYB3 TOP TIP wall? Gutted about what the post-Freudians think. At least the cognitivists believe I have the capacity to change my negative thoughts into positive!