UNCLASSIFIED National Guard Bureau Presents The Model EEO Program Interface with Management Directive -715
UNCLASSIFIED Purpose & Outcomes SEDILLO Overview & Purpose Identify Key Essential Elements of Model EEO Programs Relate Essential Elements to MD-715 Process Relate Key Essential Elements to Strategic Planning Action Plan Key Essential Elements into High Performance and Excellence
UNCLASSIFIED An Interactive Discussion SEDILLO
- 4 - UNCLASSIFIED Linear/Non-Linear Thought Process
- 7 - UNCLASSIFIED Civil Rights Act, 1964, Title VII- Section 717 42 United States Code § 2000 et seq. Section 501 Rehabilitation Act 1973 (As Amended) 29 United States Code §791 et seq. Legal Authorities
- 8 - UNCLASSIFIED What Do You See as Essential Elements For a Model EEO Program ???? Essential Considerations in Model Program
- 9 - UNCLASSIFIED Essential Elements of Model EEO Program Agency Leadership Agency Strategic Mission Accountability Proactive Prevention Efficiency Responsiveness and Complianc e
UNCLASSIFIED Demonstrated Commitment From Agency Leadership Embraced by Agency Leadership Communicated Through the Ranks From the Top Down EEO principals made a Fundamental part of the Agency’s CULTURE Agency head must issue Annual EEO and anti- harassment Policy Statements
UNCLASSIFIED Integration of EEO Into Agency’s Strategic Mission EEO Director has regular access to Agency Head and Senior Management EEO professionals are involved in ALL major Human Resources Decisions EEO programs have Sufficient Resources Managers and employees are involved in the Implementation of the agency’s Title VII and Rehabilitation Act Program
UNCLASSIFIED Management and Program Accountability Conduct Regular internal EEO Program Audits Establish procedures to Prevent ALL discrimination Evaluate Managers and Supervisors on Performance to ensure Equality of Employment Opportunity Maintain Effective Reasonable Accommodation Procedures Maintain clearly defined and fair Personnel Policies, selection and promotion Procedures, evaluation procedures, Rules of Conduct and Training Systems
UNCLASSIFIED Efficiency Maintain an efficient, fair and impartial complaint resolution process Separate investigation and adjudication functions from the legal defense arm of the agency Establish and encourage the widespread use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) Maintain effective data collection systems on workforce, applicant flow and complaint tracking
UNCLASSIFIED Prevention Of Unlawful Discrimination Develop Operational Model Develop and Execute Authentic Policy Deployment Matrix Conduct Annual Self-Assessment Develop Strategic Plans to eliminate identified barriers
UNCLASSIFIED Responsiveness and Legal Compliance Ensure full compliance with title VII and Rehabilitation Act, including EEOC regulations, Orders and other Written Instructions Report agency program Efforts and Accomplishments to EEOC Comply with final EEOC Orders for Corrective Action and Relief
UNCLASSIFIED Effective Management Accountability Self-Analysis Frequent Evaluation Structural Design Roadmap
UNCLASSIFIED Assessment Cycle Assessment Planning Implementation Evaluation Gap Analysis
UNCLASSIFIED Why So Much Emphasis ????
UNCLASSIFIED FOCUS Attract, Develop and Retain a Top-Quality Workforce Maximize each Employee’s Potential Equality of Opportunity is the Key! Title VII and Rehabilitation Act
UNCLASSIFIED Barrier Analysis What is a Barrier?
UNCLASSIFIED A Barrier is…. A policy, procedure, practice or condition that limits employment opportunities Some are Easily Identified…. Other Embedded in the day-to-day procedures and practices that may appear neutral/normal
UNCLASSIFIED Process to Address Barriers Identify using a variety of sources…. Investigate to pinpoint actual barriers and causes Devise a plan to eliminate barriers Determine what plans needs to be adjusted to address remaining barriers
UNCLASSIFIED Sources for Information: Identify Barriers Analyze workforce statistics (Data Tables) Review EEO complaints Talk to EEO and Human Resources staff Talk to Unions and Advocacy Groups Conduct Surveys, Focus Groups and Exit Interviews Review studies by outside agencies
UNCLASSIFIED Policies, Procedures and Practices to Examine Hiring Promotions and other internal selections Attainment of Supervisory and Management positions Training opportunities and Development opportunities Performance Incentives and Awards (Recipients) Disciplinary actions Separations (Voluntary and Involuntary)
UNCLASSIFIED Action Plan to Eliminate Barriers Design corrective plan to address the identified causes of barriers…… Even if barrier is job-related, explore alternatives that serve the same purpose and that have less impact on a particular group of employees Progress should be measurable and agency officials held accountable Periodic reassessments conducted to adjust plans if necessary
UNCLASSIFIED ACTION PLANNING PROCESS Mission Vision Goals Objectives Environmental Analysis
UNCLASSIFIED Mission Purpose for Existence Critical Interface within Organization Customer Group Products and Services Gaps ACTION PLANNING PROCESS
UNCLASSIFIED ACTION PLANNING PROCESS Vision Brief & Futuring Focus - Timeline Understanding Inspiring Stretch
UNCLASSIFIED ACTION PLANNING PROCESS Goal Setting Formalize Expectations Motivation & Engagement Tangible Results Decision Making Performance Measurement
UNCLASSIFIED ACTION PLANNING PROCESS Strategies Leadership Engagement Criteria Alignment Congruity & Transparency
UNCLASSIFIED PurposeStructureRelationshipRewardsMechanisms LEADERSHIP Wiesbord Six-Box Model Organizational Assessment
UNCLASSIFIED End Results Organizational Identify Culture of Cooperation Preparation for the Future Adapt to Changing Environment Managing Evolving Changes Plan for New Opportunities BRANDING!