~Vocab~ By: Holly Miller 9/16/08
*Citadel* (N)-A fortress that overlooks and protects a city, any strong or commanding place. (Syn)-fort, stronghold, bastion. I went to New York and all the building looked like big citadel.
~Jostle~ (V)-To make or force one’s way by pushing or elbowing, to shove, brush against. (Syn)-push The football team jostle their way through the line.
*Laggard* (N)-A person who moves slowly or falls behind (Adj)-slow to move, act or respond. (Syn)-slowpoke, sluggish (Ant)-early bird swift The turtle was the laggard in the race.
~Antics~ (N)-ridiculous and unpredictable behavior or actions. (Syn)-pranks, jokes All the seniors pulled antics at the end of the year.
*Congested* (Adj)-overcrowded, filled. (SYn)-jammed, choked (Ant)-uncluttered I couldn’t breath good because I was so congested.
~Durable~ (Adj)-long lasting, not easily worn out. (Syn)-long, enduring (Ant)-perishable,fleeting. The movie was so durable that I fail asleep in it.
*Maim* (V)-injure, to cripple, disable After I broke my leg I was maim for 6 weeks.
~Minimize~ (V)- To make as small as possible, make the least of. (Syn)-downplay (Ant)-direct, straight to the point.
*Venerate* (V)-To regard with reverence, look up to with great respect. (Syn)-worship, idolize.
~Audacious~ (Adj)-bold, adventurous, recklessly (Syn)-Brave, enterprising
*Grapple* (N)-an iron hook used to grab and hold, to come to grips with. (Syn)-struggle with.
~Myriad~ (Adj)-in very great numbers. (Syn)-countless, innumerable.
*Skittish* (Adj)-extremely nervous, easily frightened. (Syn)-jumpy, restive
~Tether~ (N)-a rope or chain used to fasten something to an object. (Syn)-tie up, leash.
*Vie* (V)-to compete,strive for victory. (Syn)-contend,rival.
~Annul~ (V)-to reduce to nothing, to make ineffective. (Syn)-cancel, abolish.
*Promontory* (N)-a high point of land extending into water. (syn)-cliff, headland
~Sustain~ (V)-to support, nourish, keep up with. (Syn)-foster, maintain.
*Residue* (N)-a remainder. (Syn)- remnant, remains, leavings.
~Qualm~ (N)-a pang of conscience, misgiving. (Syn)-regret, second thought.