September 6, 2016 Board Of Education Presentation CTE High School Update By: Duke J. Wallin, CTE Program Coordinator
Funding for Planning ●State House appropriated funding to NHCS for the purpose of planning a Career & Technical High School ●Special “Thank You” to Representative Ted Davis for orchestrating these efforts
Our Regional Technical School ●A regional school board must be established including local boards, local superintendents, business community, parent advisory council, higher education partners, etc. This board must meet a minimum of 4 times a year. ●A plan for transportation. ●Resolution must be approved by the State Board of Education.
Curriculum & Planning ●Target Cohort: Freshmen ●Survey Course designed to help select a career pathway ●Up to nine Blended/Paired Courses ●NCVPS Courses ONLINE ●Support Opportunities (every semester 9-12+) ●Extra & Co-curricular Activities ●Internships/Work Experience ●Summer Experiences
1.HS Diploma, 2.Financially Literate, 3.Industry Credentialing, 4.Certificate or Degree, 5.Post Secondary Plan: Career-College Placement Graduate Goal
Year I Fall Blended: English I & Microsoft Word Math I Blended: Freshmen Seminar/HS Success 101 (STAE- PSAT)) Career Exploration & Management Spring Earth & Environmental World History Blended: PED 110 & STAE- ACT PLAN Prep Career Exploration & Management Summer Home Health Care Year II Fall English II Physical Science Math II Nurse Aide I & STAE Spring Nurse Aide II & STAE Sophomore Seminar & COM 110- Intro to Comm Blended: Civics/Personal Finance BIO 163- Basic Anatomy & Physiology Summer Working as a CNA Certificate- Nurse Aid & AAS- Medical Office Administration
Year III Fall Blended: English III/American History I Math III MED 121- Medical Terminology I Paired: Jr. Seminar w/CIS 110 (STAE) (ACT Prep) Spring (Stay Office Hours) American History II MAT 171- Pre-Cal Algebra OST 131- Keyboarding OST 136- Word Processing* Summer Working as a CNA Year IV Fall ENG 111- Senior Seminar/STAE/ACT-Workkeys Prep MED 122- Medical Terminology II OST 149- Medical Legal Issues Spring (STAE Office Hours) OST 164- Test Editing Application OST 241- Medical Office Transcription I OST 247- Procedure Coding OST 248- Diagnostic Coding Summer Working as a CNA Certificate- Nurse Aid & AAS- Medical Office Administration
Year V Fall *Super-Senior Seminar/STAE/ACC 120 DBA 110- Database Concepts Med. Office Elective CTS 130- Spreadsheet OST 148- Medical Coding, Billing & Insurance Spring (STAE Office Hours) OST 242- Medical Office Transcription II Humanities Elective OST 243- Medical Office Simulation OST 289- Administrative Office Mgmt. Summer Begin Employment and/or College Enrollment Graduate with: ●High School Diploma ●Microsoft Word Certification ●NC Career Readiness Credential ●Financial Literacy Endorsement ●CNA/Nurse Aid I & II Certification ●65+ SHC- AAS- Medical Office Administration ●Post-Secondary Enrollment or Job Placement Certificate- Nurse Aid & AAS- Medical Office Administration
Next Steps in School Design: Construction vs Renovation UPDATE The CTE HS team is currently looking at multiple options of building construction vs renovation vs leasing building. Additional Information will be presented to the board at a later date. WHAT WE DO KNOW... We will be in a temporary location to start the school year. How long? Where?
CTE HIGH SCHOOL Sept- Jan ‘16-’17 Planning Survey MOU’s Contractor & Consultant Hire Principal Feb-May 2017 Identify additional Stakeholders Recruitment of 8th Graders May-June 2017 Hire Support Registration of 1st Cohort July 2017 Hire all additional Staff Teachers begin curriculum mapping August 2017 Orientation/ Camp