Unit 4- Networks
Identify what a network is. Describe the benefits of a network. Identify ways to connect to a network. Compare & contrast a client-server network and a peer to peer network. Describe a LAN. Describe a WAN. Describe the Internet Compare & contrast an Intranet & Extranet.
Computers need to communicate with each other 2 or more connected devices ◦ Share files & resources Standards allowed them to “speak the same language”
Central Storage of files Share files, resources, printers Maintain network centrally Secure Backup
Unauthorized shared data Network failure Easy to spread malicious programs & viruses Loss of privacy
NIC Ethernet Cable Wireless NIC Router Cable/DSL/FiOS Modem
Used in business/schools Computers & devices connect to a server
Used at home (NO SERVER) Router allows devices to connect to each other Also allows shared Internet connection
Comcast Cable Modem ◦ Through cable TV wire ◦ High Speed Broadband Verizon DSL ◦ Over phone line ◦ High Speed Broadband ◦ Limited distance Verizon FiOS ◦ Over fiber cable line ◦ High Speed Broadband ◦ Limited areas
Look at Modem’s WAN or INTERNET port Comcast ◦ Coax Cable Wire Verizon DSL ◦ DSL Modem connects to Phone Jack ◦ Filters on phones Verizon FiOS ◦ Cable Wire Dial-Up ◦ Computer modem to phone jack
What Do You Have at Home? Identify your Internet connection Add a diagram to your “My Computer” PPT ◦ Use pictures of your devices ◦ Show wired & wireless connections ◦ Show modems/routers and how they connect ◦ Don’t forget cell phones, TV’s, video games, tablets, thermostats, etc.
LAN ◦ Local Area Network ◦ Devices connected in small area ◦ This classroom, this school, your house
WAN ◦ Wide Area Network ◦ Connects LANs ◦ Over a large geographic area
Originally for government Largest network What’s the most commonly used feature on the Internet? ◦ ◦ is stored on a server NOT ON PC
What device allows the sharing of Internet access? ◦ Router What is the purpose of a network? ◦ Sharing files & resources How many wires are in an Ethernet cable? ◦8◦8 What does LAN stand for? ◦ Local Area Network
Looks like Internet Private ◦ Only works w/in company network ◦ Great security Handbooks, forms, news, policies
Private ◦ Allows outside organization to access internal info ◦ Extension of intranet Outside suppliers Employees Strict security ◦ Username & password
End of Day Two A room of 5 connected computers describes a… ◦ LAN To connect to a network, your PC must have a… ◦ NIC This type of “Internet” is for internal use only within a business. ◦ Intranet
Unit 4- Networks