How Computers Work
Objectives What Explain what a computer is. Identify different input and output devices. Why To understand how computers work. How Active Participator
Levels I can explain what a computer is and identify at least 2 different input/output devices. Level 4 I can explain what a computer is using at least 2 examples and identify at least 3 different input/output devices. Level 4.5 I can explain what a computer is using 3 or more examples and identify 4 or more different input/output devices. Level 5
What is a Computer? What would you expect to see?
A Computer Is a machine which responds to instructions to complete a task. Or… A device which takes input data, processes it and outputs the result. InstructionsResults InputProcessingoutput
Which of these is a computer A A H H G G F F E E B B C C D D
How is data put into a computer and how is it outputted to the user?
Answers! How many did you get?
Homework task – Summaries your learning Create a Poster using suitable software to explain to year 7 pupils what Input and Output devices are.
Example poster
Write Today’s Objective on your Self Assessment Sheet Learning Objective………. I can explain what a computer is and identify different input/output device.