Agility Video Good technique: Overall, it is visible the athlete already has quick feet and coordination- the technique just needs to be worked on. COM is in a good place, therefore leading to good balance by the athlete. The body is also balanced due to the athlete having the correct foot position- balls of feet. Although the knee drive could be increased, the knees are nice and vertical. Things to improve: The athlete starts with driving the arms but this soon disappears, this is something that would help the athlete during the entire drill. Alongside the arm drive, the knee drive could also be bigger, but again the arm drive will aid this.
Agility Progression 1 Progression 1- lateral 2 in 2 out Good technique: Once again the athlete has a good foot position- on the ball of her feet. The overall movement is balanced and controlled. COM is shifted well. Good coordination, allowing the athlete to complete the drill in a good time. Things to improve on: Once again, there is little arm movement or arm drive. Driving her arms whilst completing the drill will aid the power element in the performance. Head should also be looking up instead of being down looking at feet during the whole drill.
Agility Progression 2 Progression 2- agility drill followed by resisted sprint Good technique: The athlete follows a good body position throughout the agility drill, staying on the balls of feet and the COM shift well, therefore body is balanced and controlled. Although the technique of the acceleration needs to be worked on; the athlete transitions between the agility and the sprints well, posing a good technique of a similar situation to one which would happen in a football match. Things to improve on: Again knees aren’t high enough during the agility stage, reducing power output. Similar to the little arm drive in either the agility or sprint stage. Once the sprint begins, the athlete should have more of an angular body position to drive the body and knees forward, ready to accelerate.
Single feet in between cones- Although this seems like a straight forward agility drill, it provides the athlete with good training which will train balance, coordination and also footwork which will be easily converted into a game situation. Lateral 2 in 2 out- As well as this drill physically being harder for the athlete, it also stimulates the mental attributes of the athlete due to the drill being more complex. The improved speed, coordination and balance will have big benefits in a game situation with a player increasing their performance. Single feet with added resisted sprint- With this drill, it’s very beneficial to an athlete as it combines two aspects which will have a benefit on performance together. The quick feet transition into the sprint is realistic to a game situation so will lead to an increase in speed and reaction time, and the parachute for resistance will then improve the power aspect of the initial acceleration.