Elections Presidential Primaries Convention
Candidates compete for popular votes & delegates Results can impact the selection of delegates to the national convention
Primary Election -voters decide (secret ballot) on which party candidate will represent the party. [PA] Caucus -group like-minded meet to select candidate for upcoming election – policy proposals -Used to be most common
States with Caucuses IA, NV, MN, CO, HI, ME, KS, WY, AK, ND What generalizations can you make? ID, WA, FL caucuses and primaries
Purpose of Primaries Open nomination process to ordinary party members weakens influence of party bosses Use to be party elites selected candidates Sometimes called beauty contests
History of Primaries Wisconsin 1903 1968 less than 20 primaries Chicago National Convention - riots HH Humphrey nominated w/o primary wins Selected by LBJ
Reforms: McGovern-Fraser Commission Party delegates selected by voters Delegates not selected by party elite 1984 Special consideration given to party faithful Superdelegates Unpledged delegates
Types of Primaries Closed – PA & 26 states Open – 17 states Blanket – 3 states Proportional Representation Runoff Nonpartisan – non-pres.
Front-Loading 2005 – Carter Commission Iowa and NH 1 st Regional primaries 2008 primaries – rules defied
Super Tuesday March 1 st 2016 – 24 states
National Convention 2016 Republican July Cleveland, OH (Tampa,FL) 2016 Democratic July Phila. (Charlotte, NC) election/conventions/
Funded by grants from Presidential election campaign fund $3 income tax check-off presidents/presidential- elections/videos/primaries-caucuses-and- conventions#
National Pep Rallies Party unity to public Party intrigue behind the scenes Purpose Announce candidates Announce platform
Media events Brokered conventions Not enough delegates 2008 Clinton/Obama 1960 LBJ/Stevenson/Kennedy
“a fiesta, a carnival, a hog- rooting, horse-snorting, band- playing, voice screaming medieval get together of greed, practical lust, conciliation of rabble-rousers, fist fights, embraces, drunks and collective rivers of animal sweat.” Norman Mailer 1976
Changes Convention Chairmen Present stage-managed event - choreographed Free from scandal Media friendly Total party unity presented