ICT for Inclusion: Present and Future Dr. Hemlata Director (I/c) National Centre for Disability Studies, Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi (Mob.)
In this presentation technology refers to products, devices or equipment whether acquired commercially, modified or customized that are used to maintain, increase or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.
Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) ICT have the potential for making significant contribution in the lives of persons with disabilities. The use of ICT in disability sector is essential in reducing the handicapping effects of disabilities.
ICT offers individuals the ability to compensate for physical and functional limitations. ICT enhances the social and economic integration of person with disabilities.
ICT – UNCRPD Article No. 9 of UNCRPD states that “to enable persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life, state parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure to person with disabilities access, on an equal basis
with others, to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communication, including information and communication technologies and system”.
ICT- UN Standard Rule UN standard rule 4 stated that “State should ensure the development and supply of support services, including assistive technologies for person with disabilities, to assist them to increase their level of independence in their daily living and to exercise their rights”.
Technology Provides us o Quality Education o Livelihood o Creative Opportunities
Barriers for Use of ICT Lack of Awareness about ICT Lack of Legislations Inaccessibility Cost Technological Change Inability to take technology from Lab to Land
Overcoming The Barriers Raising Awareness Adapting Legislations Developing Standards Cost effective technologies
Augmentation of human resource oriented technologies User friendly and durable aids & appliances
ICT for Inclusion When we talk about the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society or inclusion of children with disabilities in the school system, it means they are a part of system irrespective of their strengths and weakness in any area. The ICT help them to be a part of the system
and facilitate them to use their capacity in full strength. ICT provide enhancements to the methods of interaction with the outside world and give greater independence to persons with disabilities by enabling them to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish.
The use of ICT empowers a person with disabilities, as it is user friendly, durable and provide them opportunity without depending on others. The ICT can be used at Individual level or Institutional level. For example the use of computers by
persons with visual impairment with the help of JAWS software or use of Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) devices by persons with cerebral palsy and speech impairments enable them to study with other children in the same classroom.
ICT at Different Levels Individual level Institutional level
Individual Level Visual Impairment Braille, Pictorial communication, Large Print, voice commands, Descriptors. Braille shorthand machine. Distance vision telescopes. Hand held magnifiers.
Cont… Talking dictionary Smart Cane Plexi Talk Mobile Phone & Internet
Speech Impairment Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) AAC Sanjog Gupshup Dr. Speech Mobile phone & Internet
Hearing Impairment Advanced Digital Speech Audiometer Hearing Aid Wireless FM Assistive Listening System Mobile phone & Internet
Locomotor Impairment Battery Powered Joystick Operated Wheelchair. Aluminum Crutches. Ankle Brace for ankle support. Prosthetic limbs.
Cont… Child model Tricycle. Folding sticks and folding walkers. Adapted Keyboards.
Intellectual Disability Basic Skill Wooden Puzzles We can (daily living activities) Calendar of seasons Punnarjani CAI
Cerebral Palsy Sanyog Gupshup Switches Other AAC Devices Adapted Keyboards
Adapted Tools Touch Screen Adapted Keyboard Ball Mouse Specific softwares
Adapted Tools for Inclusion Examples of some AT to help PWDs in education includes: Braille Duplicators and Writers. Group Hearing Aid for Classrooms. Alternative & Augmentative Communication software/devices.
Cont… Multi-Sensory systems. Tactile mathematical devices. Tactile geography devices. Tactile science devices.
Cont… Screen readers & magnifiers. Assessment & evaluation tool Models Multimedia Content Content Development Software
Cont… Word Bank & Prediction Systems. Text-to-Speech Engines & Speech Recognition. Special Access Switches & Mechanism. Sign Language & Braille Learning Software etc.
Institutional Level Any tool or service that is helpful in advancing learning of more than one person. Enhances capabilities of exploring ideas, innovations and communication.
Web Portal EDUSAT M- Learning Web cast Online Learning On Demand Examination
ICT Affordable Applicable Adaptable Portable Motivation to Learn Concrete Learning Experience through ICT Reflecting at the Activity Drill & Practice Instant Feedback Easy Retention of information Skill Development Development of Self Confidence Self EmploymentSelf Satisfaction Contributing Member of Society ICT: CYCLE OF LEARNING
Benefits of ICT Accessibility Motivation Wide Participation Improved Student Writing Subject made easier to learn
Cont… Flexibility Convenience Effectiveness Affordability
Cont… Multi-sensory Interactivity
Future Needs Innovation Adaptation Localisation
More Emphasis on Moocs Gaming Personalised virtual teacher Automatical assessment & evaluation Mobile technology
Suggested Measures to Promote ICT Among Persons with Disabilities Information to be provided in dual communication mode for the benefit of persons with disabilities. Assistive devices to be adapted for improving access to technology.
Cont… Indigenous production of devices to be taken up to increase the affordability by persons with disabilities The existing curriculum for persons with disability to be expanded to include information technology inputs.
Cont… Open learning system to be encouraged to offer information technology oriented courses for persons with disabilities. Some IT related jobs in public and private sectors to be earmarked for persons with disabilities.
Cont… In order to promote information technology among persons with disabilities, the organizations working for them should also inculcate the IT culture in their activities.
Conclusion The use of ICT will open up a whole new horizon for teachers, persons with disability and their families and all the stakeholders. This is the beginning of a new era in human resource development for the disability rehabilitation sector in India
“The illiterate of the 21 st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn” (Alvin Toffle)