The New Validated Programme 3 year plan + continued 85 week All practice is now graded not just the last midwifery practice module New module - Contemporary perspectives in Maternity Care Reproductive anatomy embedded into each module Continue to raise profile of normality and choice Inspires future thinking and research activity Post grad diploma available 50% Theory – University Sessions 50% Practice – Mentorship in Placements University External and Internal Validation Programme management team Curriculum development team LSA and HLSP review Student evaluation External examiner Quality Assurance in each area Trust Generic mentorship update CAP quality group Placement evaluations Link lecturers/PLFs for when issues identified Professional CPD Peer support Triennial review Student needs in clinical teaching: Opportunity & Exposure to situations Space to try things out on their own Clear guidance Active knowledge transfer, not passive osmosis To develop thinking by being questioned Constructive honest feedback Midwifery – Long and Short programmes Update for mentors in the practice setting
Midwifery Long and Short progs – All practice is now graded Clinical Assessment - Midwifery Level 6 - Marking scale: Score from % Add scores up and divide by 6 but must pass each component i.e. achieve a score of 40% or above. Record final mark as a percentage in appropriate box. Student to self assess prior to interview Mentors final mark will be recorded at the final interview. Students please indicate score for each skill. unsafe0% Inadequate15% Limited30% Satisfactory40% Good (most of the time)45% Good (all of the time)55% Very good65% Exceptional85% SkillDescriptionScore Student KnowledgeCritically evaluate the evidence that informs clinical practice, apply an in depth understanding of the physiology related to care Application to practice Critically apply in depth understanding of the physiology and pathology related to care of women with pre existing or pregnancy related conditions. Apply evidence based care pathways and prioritize interventions when deviation from the normal occur Clinical skillsDemonstrate safe and ethically sensitive practice with minimal supervision and discuss appropriate use of pharmacology Reflection on practiceCritically analyse the principles of midwifery care and experiences in practice Communication skillsDemonstrate effective professional communication skills and manage problems in communication Ethical awarenessCritically analyse the principles of midwifery care discuss safe and ethically sensitive practice Total mark Student signature:Date: Minimal Supervision Sign off declaration Minimal supervision means that you can reasonably expect the student to perform previously learned aspects of care. The student should be able to problem solve and develop a plan of care with yourself whilst taking on new skills with guidance. By the end of the year you should feel confident that the student is ready to become a registered practitioner in all the performance indicators attained. Please sign to confirm the mark awarded. Sign off Mentor signature:Date This tool varies depending on level. Students are assessed as achieving practice through the learning outcomes or total client care tools - then overall performance is graded for that module using this tool.